ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games
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[HL1/DMC/Ricochet] Add game source code to the repo #417

Closed Triang3l closed 10 years ago

Triang3l commented 11 years ago

Please add HL SDK 2.3 source code from this pull request, so it would be easier to download the source for mods and to show error locations.

TheBombOCat commented 11 years ago

Agreed. Would be kinda useful.

dtugend commented 11 years ago

Does it include the patches that the one from Metamod has?:

Triang3l commented 11 years ago

No, why? This is the original code from SDK 2.3.

Mailaender commented 11 years ago

Would be of great help to port third-party mods if you could release a version SDK 2.4 with some hints on cross-platform support.

Mailaender commented 11 years ago

@SiPlus The README at says that flori also added patches by Valve that they introduced without releasing a new version. He also silenced many compiler warnings so he can spot breakages in his own code more easily.

tschumann commented 11 years ago

Agreed too. However, it would be more useful to have some updated code rather than 10 year old code. Besides the fact it doesn't compile in the latest version of Visual Studio without a few changes, there have been a number of changes like those mentioned by @Mailaender.

sRaH commented 11 years ago

Agreed! :+1:

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

If I saw any SDK source on here, I'd want it straight from Valve, to be honest.

johndrinkwater commented 11 years ago

An ex. natural selection dev. has said this would benefit him resurrecting their mod for the new platforms

joropito commented 11 years ago

Any update? Is there any plan to release an updated hlsdk?

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

Honestly, I'd like to see the SDKs get their own repos set up by Valve.

Triang3l commented 11 years ago

MrSchism, why? For full SDK, yes. But for only the source, no. The repository is called "halflife", so Half-Life source code would be very appropriate here.

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

(response to deleted comment: `Clarify: would you want Half-Life source

development kit here or Half-Life source code here, @SiPlus`)

Half-Life source code. The development kit is over 100 mb compressed and over 500 mb uncompressed. There's no point of having it here (instead, a download link to a site like Gamefront can be placed in, only breaking clones on computers with bad Internet connection. But the

source is useful for showing bug locations in issues.

Also, it would be great if Valve releases their current source code here (also for CS, DoD, TFC, maybe OF and BS and updated Ricochet and DMC), so modders can have official fixes and can build for Linux (but since HL1 DLLs don't use precompiled static libraries, I think this is already possible, however an official release would be better).

Mailaender commented 10 years ago

Git can handle so don't worry about the Half-Life SDK being too big and a 100 MB download is not much nowadays.

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

Linux source code is text, text diffs are much easier to handle for Git than binary diffs. A 100mb download is A LOT, 3G connection is still popular. And uploading 100mb zip kills the point of the source code browser (and also makes text-based .qc and .smd files binary), while the browse-able uncompressed version is 500 or 600 megabytes in size.

Mailaender commented 10 years ago

This pull request does not seem to contain any .zip nor binaries.

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

Because it contains only ~10mb of source code. I was talking about the full SDK with models and tools.

Mailaender commented 10 years ago

Those can be served via Steam. Who needs models and tools in a source code management system.

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

Oh yes, great idea. But it should be "SDK 2.4", not SDK 2.3, with Source SDK-like launcher, "Hammer 3.6" with different useful things from Source SDK Hammer, with all map sources (HL1 maps cannot be decompiled, unlike Source maps) and the beta Gluon Gun textures from the first Half-Life SDK version ever. Sadly, Hammer is closed-source, so we can't make an improvised pull request for it.

Mailaender commented 10 years ago

Old versions of should support Half-Life 1 if GoldSrc Hammer is not maintained anymore by Valve.

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

Radiant is completely different in terms of UI.

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

So you uploaded Source SDK. Now how about merging this?

Freeman-AM commented 10 years ago

Please, can we get CS 1.6 czero, TFC, DoD source code ?

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

That would be more than awesome. But Valve also hasn't released CS:S, CS:GO, DoD:S, L4D, L4D2, Portal, Portal 2 and TF2 source code (although CS:S, DoD:S, Portal and TF2 code was leaked).

ThreeWave CTF (leaked in 2003 alongside HL2) source code would be great as well (the leaked client DLL doesn't work at all, and I have incorrect HUD and lags with grappling hook due to lack of prediction).

Mailaender commented 10 years ago

In fact they have see

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

There are no CS:S, DoD:S, Portal and TF2 sources in the repo.

So, Valve, why not release the sources officially now? They're easily available on the Internet (even though they're for Source 2007, not 2013), you'll lose nothing if you upload them.

It's hard to keep TF2 sources up to date, however, because things are constantly added to the game. CS:S sources are not easy to release too because Hidden Path contributed to them. But there shouldn't be any issue with Portal and DoD:S.

ghost commented 10 years ago

@SiPlus SDK is a tool to build your own MODS for existing games. No one will release complete source code of proprietary software (games). Also, I bet downloading leaked source code is illegal. Think yourself. If you want, you can buy games and build mods using Source SDK, nothing else. In addition, they're using proprietary software, like MP3 playback, Bink video, Miles sound system, their own anti-cheat system. It will cost money to release source code without violating licenses. And you don't have such amount of money. If you want, you can licence Source engine.

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

@MaxKorz SDK at this point allows to build your own mods for existing games called Half-Life 2, HL2: Deathmatch, HL2: Episode One and HL2: Episode Two. I'd like it to allow to build your own mods for existing games called Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Portal and Team Fortress 2.

MP3, Bink Video, Miles Sound System and VAC are implemented in the engine itself, not the games. I'm not asking Valve to release the engine sources, I'm asking Valve to release client.dll and server.dll sources for the games above.

ghost commented 10 years ago

@SiPlus In fact, they're not even going to release source code for new games:

Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools Portal 2 Authoring Tools Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Authoring Tools

"Authoring Tools" means that source code is not provided

but they're working on how the authoring tools are distributed for the following games: Team Fortress 2 Counter-Strike: Source Day of Defeat: Source Half-Life: Deathmatch

I think you can't expect anything more

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

I know, but L4D, P2 and CS:GO sources are not available to public in any form, while older games' sources have been leaked. And they were always available to modders with Steamworks support.

Freeman-AM commented 10 years ago

We don't really care about anti cheat, sound miles system and so on. But seriously if we can have a partial source code for cs 1.6, it would be awesome for module and amxmodx coders.

xPaw commented 10 years ago

@alfred-valve What about CS source code? ;)

alfred-valve commented 10 years ago

Nope, ain't gonna do that.

xPaw commented 10 years ago

Aww, here's a :cake: anyway.

ericwomer commented 10 years ago

The cake is a lie.

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

@alfred-valve Because of being outdated?


Oh, so you added the code. Nice! Thanks. :cake: for you!

joropito commented 10 years ago

Just for reference, what's the release version of the submited hlsdk?

Before this we where working with hlsdk-2.3


Triang3l commented 10 years ago

@joropito The currently used cross-platform version.

alfred-valve commented 10 years ago

There is no version, it is just the "head" of the HL1 SDK currently. If you must call it 2.4, but 2.4 will keep evolving. Maybe I should pull some git checksum and use that as a version ;-)

Triang3l commented 10 years ago, maybe?

ericwomer commented 10 years ago HL3 Confirmed!

Triang3l commented 10 years ago

2.4 2013.08.31.