ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games
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Request #618

Closed roymor closed 11 years ago

roymor commented 11 years ago

Make it able to rotate and scale the angle of entities's bounding box

roymor commented 11 years ago

why is it closed?

alfred-valve commented 11 years ago

Because the engine is fundamentally designed around axially aligned bounding boxes, this is way too much engineering work.

roymor commented 11 years ago

So you said you cant do it ? And what if I need to rotate the angle of the bounding boxes for a mod I should just hope for a miracle .. ?

roymor commented 11 years ago

@alfred-valve alfred tell me if you guys already updating the game why wont you implement this feature in the game? this will open a new world for the modders and it will only make the community even bigger please answer me im looking to hear your answer :o

Egon-Spengler commented 11 years ago

Not to sound harsh but you're basically asking for a full re-write of some of the engine's most basic parts, which would require a huge workload and all of that would be an operation on a "beating heart", so to speak, as GoldSrc isn't exactly a new engine yet to come, countless games and mods already run and depend on it and to suddenly change the very core of it like that would most likely break everything that's built on top of that engine already.

You're basically asking for a new engine, not a small change to this one. And not to mention, all of that in a bug tracker that is meant for tracking and fixing bugs that came up with the recent updates and possibly some that already existed. Sure, one small feature here and there might be possible too but asking for them to change the ground rules of the engine like that is just going a little out of track, don't you think?

If you start modding with an engine you should always make sure what you want to do can be done within that engine, if not either find an alternative or simply don't do it. From my point of view that's always how modding worked, to create something new with what tools you already have.

But this is just me giving my two cents on a closed topic. Hope you get an answer at some point. Cheers.

roymor commented 11 years ago

First of all most of the mods wont be broken if such updates will come out it will only add a feature to rotate the bounding box not that u must too so most of the mods if not all of them will be allright.. second goldSrc engine is old yes and thats why I expect from a company like valve to update their game more frequently and if not more frequently so when they do update it atleast give us some cool and usefull feature to enhance the fun in the gameplay.. To be honest if all they're going to do with this update is to fix things like "OH there's a delay on sounds" or "most cvars arnt usefull take them out!" then those updates are worth nothing because I could play the game just fine for 7 years and now they come with this update and fix thing that I didnt even know they were existed and alot of others then thats some waste of time .. but if they want to satisfy the community they should make big updates like it once in a while or even not once in a while but do something huge ATLEAST ..

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

@alfred-valve alfred tell me if you guys already updating the game why wont you implement this feature in the game? this will open a new world for the modders and it will only make the community even bigger please answer me im looking to hear your answer :o

The following statements are my own, not Valve's, nor any of it's developers or affiliates:

To expand on what @Egon-Spengler said....besides the fact that it could potentially break the engine, (and I hate having to say this part but it has to come out) but CS1.6 is technically legacy software.

Legacy software can still be sold and distributed, but it is designed for a former, out-dated system and/or has had a superseding version. Counter-strike was designed for Win95, Win98, 2000, ME, and XP (which didn't hit the market for two years). Further, it was superseded by both CS:S and CS:GO.

As such, a major addition like that would be crippling to the game and would slow the development of other games. Remember: Counter-Strike is 13 years old. To satisfy the community, they released expansions and two actual sequels.

roymor commented 11 years ago

I have CSS CSGO and I love cs 1.6 the most and so what it came 13 years ago I think every game have to be updated no matter when it was released and how will it break the engine ? thats the meaning of "feature" not have to use it but could use it -only will expand the imagination of modders and they will create new stuff for the game which will cause the community of the game to grow

roymor commented 11 years ago

What other valve workers have to say about that?

Egon-Spengler commented 11 years ago

other valve workers

I'm not a Valve worker, by the way. I was just giving my "two cents", as I stated above. Just clarifying that in case you were thinking I have any call on any of it (which I definitely do not).

I'm only allowed to work with screws for now, not valves. :(

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

@Egon-Spengler He's beating a dead horse. Alfred shut it down pretty straight forward, followed by two reasonably intelligent statements supporting Alfred's statement from a community moderator and a community member.

I don't really know much about src models/modding (was never really interested in either), but is it possible to add fully transparent models and a server-side mod to adjust directionality/view? It's a major work around, but it might work to essentially rotate the model in the boxes instead of the boxes around the model and then just modify how players move.

Again, not sure that's possible... and even if it is, it only rotates vertically, not horizontally (so you could make a shambling zombie, but not a dog).

roymor commented 11 years ago

Adjust view doesnt going to rotate the bounding boxes

Egon-Spengler commented 11 years ago

May I ask what are you trying to do exactly?

hAnnahf commented 11 years ago

I'm not really well-educated in this area, so let me ask two questions: why do you want to fix „this“? Who will find this fix useful?

roymor commented 11 years ago

I want to create a mod and thats what is stopping me from creating it because of this limit and who will find it usefull ? maybe every cs 1.6 modder ? people could invent tons of new things and mods because of this and thats means the players will be happy aswell

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

Adjusting the player's view, their control angle, and making a skin that's appropriately angled would have the effect of a "leg drag" which is what I was saying might be potentially possible if those three things are technically possible.

roymor commented 11 years ago

it maybe will give you feeling like its good but it will just be uncomfortable + not exacly the same as just rotating bound boxes + you cant really change the player's view AND also make the skin appropriately move based on what he see I dont understand why so many people arguing if there will be demand for such thing they will do it its only helping you guys eventually to enjoy cs even more but I guess there're people who dont understand it ..

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

The point is not if there's demand or not. 1.6 is legacy software and the update you suggested would make it extremely unstable. It's the sort of thing you'd have to request of new software (in this case, CS:GO).

roymor commented 11 years ago

how do you know its going to be unstable ? you said you dont understand in this area of modding / coding

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

I don't understand HL/CS modding, but I do understand engine development, having been watching and working with the bleeding-edge version of the CRX engine.

roymor commented 11 years ago

there's HUGEEEEEE difference between working with an engine and building an engine working with Engine is sort of a game designer and building an Engine is something completetly different so unless you built an engine you cant really tell me that its going to be unstable and even if u did build an engine you still cant tell me it will be unstable becase you dont know how valve built GoldSrc engine no one could tell if it will be unstable but valve's workers

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

Because the engine is fundamentally designed around axially aligned bounding boxes, this is way too much engineering work.

The phrase "fundamentally designed" means that anything OTHER than "axially aligned bounding boxes" brings in instability. Based on other recent changes that GoldSrc has experienced, it's safe to say that it'd break.

As I said above, CS:1.6 is legacy. This change is beyond the scope of the updates that will be considered. Valve employees have marked this as wontfix. They'd have to make a whole new engine for this which WILL NOT happen.

roymor commented 11 years ago

The phrase "fundamentally designed" means it was orginaly created to work in certain way but....... then came and update and changed this way ? whats you think about that ? .. And please stop assuming things you dont know "the will have to create new engine" I assure you there're plenty of ways to do such things without rebuilding an engine

Egon-Spengler commented 11 years ago

I would just stop bothering trying to make a point across, he doesn't want his opinion to be changed or an alternative to be given, he wants solely to see his exact desire to be fulfilled and won't take anything other than "yes, we will change the engine like you want it" as an answer so might as well leave him alone, smile, nod in agreement, passively walk away and let Alfred or someone else give him a different form of "no", or just nothing at all until we all grow old and die.

Either way, good luck with your feature request.

roymor commented 11 years ago

Egon you're so cool bro