ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games
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Closed forran closed 4 years ago

forran commented 11 years ago

It would be nice to have player moneys shown in TAB as it is in CS:GO.

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

I assume that you're suggesting this for CS1.6?

kbloo commented 11 years ago

I think that would be nice.

idderf commented 11 years ago

+1, it saves alot of time for the IGL when he doesn't have to request everyone to type money at the beginning of a round....

ghost commented 11 years ago

better if there was a server-side cvar sv_teammoney or something 0 - do not show player money for both 1 - show player money only for his team mate's (your team does not see your enemy's money) 2 - show player money for both enemy and ally (your team does see enemy's money)

kbloo commented 11 years ago

Exactly KirVs.

I have a amx plugin that works but sometimes shows only 2 or 3 players money. It sucks. :(

Rst-7 commented 11 years ago

to Valve. Please tell me all the launch options CS1.6. Or where it can be viewed.

ghost commented 11 years ago

@Rst-7 I belive Valve keeps its secrets But you can find some commands here:

Rst-7 commented 11 years ago

@MaxKorz thanks

Rst-7 commented 11 years ago

@MaxKorz | -refresh or -refreshrate or -freq - Force a specific refresh rate. Ex: -refresh 60

Launch option "-refresh" left?

ghost commented 11 years ago

@Rst-7 Yep. And you're looking at Source launch options, CS 1.6 uses GoldSource:

Rst-7 commented 11 years ago

@MaxKorz That is, all of the parameters are only of Goldsource Games ? And those that Source Games no longer work? -

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

Lets try to keep the issues on-topic, please?

kbloo commented 11 years ago

"triage-valve is assigned"

Is this mean they are deciding what to do with the sugestion?

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

We'll leave you to speculate what that means. :trollface:

ghost commented 11 years ago

sorry for off topping @Rst-7 became GoldSource launch options are for Gold Source games (Half-Life and mods, like Counter-Strike 1.6, CS:CZ, etc), Source engine = Half-Life2, etc

Egon-Spengler commented 11 years ago

Triage is the poor guy who works at Valve's basement, with a minimal quality computer running Windows 98, gets two semi-hot meals a day, codes 15 hours per day and calls Alfred "my lord".

Unfortunately, they don't let him post around here, they say he's kinda shy.

forran commented 11 years ago

Yes i suggest it for 1.6

idderf commented 11 years ago

@KiRVs the only problem with making it a server side cvar is that most serveradmins nowadays don't update servers / don't care about new cvars. It would me much more efficient to just always show the team's money. It only affects competitive gameplay in a positive way, since it speeds up the IGL's tactical thinking.

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

@KiRVs the only problem with making it a server side cvar is that most serveradmins nowadays don't update servers / don't care about new cvars. It would me much more efficient to just always show the team's money. It only affects competitive gameplay in a positive way, since it speeds up the IGL's tactical thinking.

Untrue. If it shows all money (including enemy team money), you can get an idea as to what gear has been purchased.

idderf commented 11 years ago

@MrSchism since the main post referred to cs:go, in which you only see TEAMMATE money, a money bar would only be a positive thing

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

@MrSchism since the main post referred to cs:go, in which you only see TEAMMATE money, a money bar would only be a positive thing

While that's true, remember that early in the discussion, @KiRVs brought up the idea of a cvar with three options, one of which being an option to show all money.

kbloo commented 11 years ago

Any news on this? We just wait on darkness? ^^

idderf commented 11 years ago

Can you please implement this? At least so that you can see the money each player has on your team; would be great for competitive play =)

kbloo commented 11 years ago

I support this idea. Again.

mikela-valve commented 5 years ago

Hi all, I've added this in the latest CS beta. You only see the money for members of your current team and only when you are a T or CT (i.e. spectators see nothing).



RauliTop commented 5 years ago

@mikela-valve It's great, but it should have a server cvar to disable this feature.

For example, in some zombie servers or other mods that doesn't use money.

Mistrick commented 5 years ago

@mikela-valve would be nice if amxx plugin(or metamod) can set own name for this column and set format. Use like assist or money/assist with format $1000/4 Or create one more column for this. Don't show full value in low res. 20190420184043_1

d3m37r4 commented 5 years ago

It would be great if reduction was used for long nicknames in scoretab. At the same time, increase length of servername in scoretab.

wopox1337 commented 5 years ago

In last HLDS update be added new CBasePlayer members such as m_iLastAccount, m_tmNextAccountUpdate

image It's good. But why not at the end of the list?

@mikela-valve please move this members to end of list for better back-compability with mods/addons.

mikela-valve commented 5 years ago

Thanks @wopox1337, that was something I'd intended to change before committing but missed.

wopox1337 commented 5 years ago

@mikela-valve also can you remove 16000 cap from client-side ScoreBoard Account value image

and make Money column a little bit wider

name       245 -> 200
class      56
account    25 -> 70
frags      40
deaths     46
ping       46


mikela-valve commented 5 years ago

Can do, I only set the limit of 16000 to prevent it from flowing outside of the column for larger values, though I didn't test in low quality mode so I didn't realize it was already being truncated there.

mikela-valve commented 5 years ago

A commenter on another issue also mentioned that showing teammate healths might be even more helpful than money values. I'd be happy to switch it to health if that would be better or add another column for teammate health.

perforatorRU commented 5 years ago

@mikela-valve, maybe like this? This is more informative for players. Defuse kit are visible only to the players on the team CT 1920x1080

GiovaniFerraroTrivelli commented 5 years ago

I don't know how scoreboard works, but as far as I know, there is no possibility to modify scoreboard using AMXX plugins. Is there a way that columns were added dynamically using server cvars, or better, plugins could add custom columns?

In some mods, like TTT mod, for example, if you see Health of teammates changing is an advantage. Money is not problem because you can set $0 on every moment. Others mods, like Soccerjam will be amazing if we could add column for goals, for assists, appart from kills, etc.

If it's not possible, with Money and/or Defuse Kit like @perforatorRU says are great additions.

mikela-valve commented 5 years ago

@perforatorRU That could all be done I think. The one concern I have is that adding too many columns or too wide of columns will eat into the space available for player names, although I presume people would rather see more information than be able to see full player names.

@GiovaniFerraroTrivelli Dynamically switching out the meaning of a column (that is, changing the name, position, size and what data is displayed) is not really a trivial thing in the scoreboard code so I'm not sure how accommodating the scoreboard can be to mods. I can make it possible to suppress columns from being shown based on a cvar so unnecessary columns are hidden at least.

metita commented 5 years ago

Being able to add/delete columns via cvar seems a good idea :)

d3m37r4 commented 5 years ago

@mikela-valve, I suggest adding a shorthand for long player names. At moment they are just cropped.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

Make a cvar to disable all this features in tab. There no space on low resolutions. But defuse kit can be realy helpfull.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

Maybe Money column must be there? Add some cvar like mp_showplayersmoney 0/1/2, 0 - disabled, 1 - only T, 2 - only ct, 3 - each team can see. Make it more customizable. image

hashnimo commented 5 years ago

Maybe Money column must be there? image

I agree with this. It can't be considered as a column until it's placed in the yellow column row above. The place where @mikela-valve has currently placed the red "Money" text should have been used to show the total team money instead of considering it as a column.

mikela-valve commented 5 years ago

Updated in beta 'Exe build: 11:12:36 May 21 2019 (8244)'.

There are now columns for both health and money that can be enabled/disabled on the client. There are also server cvar's for controlling which teams should have their health/money values sent to other clients. The column headers now show at the top like they should and I additionally fixed the column headers incorrectly being placed farther to the right than they should be when avatars are enabled. I also added support for showing when CT players have a defusal kit ('Defusal Kit' in the 'Bomb'/'VIP'/'Dead' section).

The new cvar's for the client are: scoreboard_showmoney scoreboard_showhealth Both can be set to 0 to disable their column and 1 to enable their column. Both are set to 1 by default.

The new cvar's for the server are: mp_scoreboard_showmoney mp_scoreboard_showhealth There are four values these can be set to:

PartialCloning commented 5 years ago

When you disable the cvar client side the column is completely removed. Can this be replicated for the server side cvar too? Remove the column if the server has it disabled? There is too much wasted space and the name font size is still reduced even when the server side cvar is disabled.

PredatorFly commented 5 years ago


Spanish Health --> Salud Money --> Dinero

10th commented 5 years ago

If the column is disabled, it is better to shift to the right visible columns to free up space for long nicknames.

More compact solutions: Heals --> HP% (currently "Heals" overlap on the server name 600х480). 100% --> 100 (1 character for nick is better if not added to the column "Dead"). 0% --> Dead (Defusal Kit, Bomb and VIP to leave in another column).

CS-PRO1 commented 5 years ago

I'd suggest adding the same feature for buymenu, just like in CZ.

RauliTop commented 5 years ago

If the column is disabled, it is better to shift to the right visible columns to free up space for long nicknames.

More compact solutions: Heals --> HP% (currently "Heals" overlap on the server name 600х480). 100% --> 100 (1 character for nick is better if not added to the column "Dead"). 0% --> Dead (Defusal Kit, Bomb and VIP to leave in another column).

scoreboard_showhealth (on client)
mp_scoreboard_showhealth (on server)

So, it will be prudent to don't change it. Remain DEAD in the same position. We don't want to create more tangle...

Splatt581 commented 5 years ago

I noticed that server sends HealthInfo and Account usermessages in each packet, sometimes even several:

 c <-- sz=101 seq=3531 ack=18344 rel=1 tm=139.796341
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
Msg: svc_time
Msg: svc_clientdata
Msg: svc_deltapacketentities
 c <-- sz=101 seq=3532 ack=18350 rel=1 tm=139.829956
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
Msg: svc_time
Msg: svc_clientdata
Msg: svc_deltapacketentities
 c <-- sz=89 seq=3533 ack=18355 rel=1 tm=139.861938
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
UserMsg: HealthInfo (size 5)
UserMsg: Account (size 5)
Msg: svc_time
Msg: svc_clientdata
Msg: svc_deltapacketentities

This is despite the fact that I am the only player on server and my health and money do not change. This significantly increases game traffic. Is it possible to make that these messages are sent only when there is a direct change in amount of money and health, or at least once a second or so?

mikela-valve commented 5 years ago

Thanks @Splatt581, those messages are only supposed to be sent every five seconds or when the underlying stats are changed. It looks like I wasn't updating one of the stat-tracking variables so it was sending the message every update. I'll have that fixed shortly.

mikela-valve commented 5 years ago

@Splatt581 The erroneous high frequency updates should be fixed as of beta 'Exe build: 16:32:50 May 22 2019 (8245)'.