ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games
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[GoldSource] Cache_Alloc / Model cache bug #72

Open tehORiON opened 11 years ago

tehORiON commented 11 years ago


This bug is a longtime present one which has been inherited from the original quake1 source code.

When sprites are loaded in 'Mod_LoadSpriteModel', get's set for the sprite model. The problem with this is that sprites does not go into the caching system and thus are not cleared properly between the map loads. The sprites will stay in the model-list 'model_t mod_known[MAX_MOD_KNOWN]'. The unique model cache list never goes down (mod_known), so when it reaches it's maximum of 1024, it will try and use some of the old 'free positions'. The problem is that it will think that the position where a sprite resides in is 'free' and try to allocate a new model in this position. This will throw the "Cache_Alloc: already allocated" error and shut down the server.

This can be relatively easily fixed by setting all sprite's to NULL in the 'Mod_ClearAll' function where all models are traversed and cleared upon mapchange.

alfred-valve commented 11 years ago

Thanks, I'll check it out.

alfred-valve commented 11 years ago

I don't have a way here to reproduce this, but I have this change it (and it looks sane).

tehORiON commented 11 years ago


Alright so I tested again to make sure the fix works and it seems like sprites are removed properly now. It still seems a bit weird though, that the model list never decreases? It should be cleaned up & decreased on every map load. This is definitely a problem on the client, due to this:

Sys_Error("mod_numknown >= MAX_KNOWN_MODELS");

As the model list never decreases on the client either, the client will crash when mod_numknown reaches 1024.

Here is my server model cache after running many custom maps and pushing the model list limit to the max [1024]:

] mcache
Cached models:
00000000 : maps/2fort.bsp (!R)
00000000 : *1
00000000 : *2
00000000 : *3
00000000 : *4
00000000 : *5
00000000 : *6
00000000 : *7
00000000 : *8
00000000 : *9
00000000 : *10
00000000 : *11
00000000 : *12
00000000 : *13
00000000 : *14
00000000 : *15
00000000 : *16
00000000 : *17
00000000 : *18
00000000 : *19
00000000 : *20
00000000 : *21
00000000 : *22
00000000 : *23
00000000 : *24
00000000 : *25
00000000 : *26
00000000 : *27
00000000 : *28
00000000 : *29
00000000 : *30
00000000 : *31
00000000 : *32
00000000 : *33
00000000 : *34
00000000 : *35
00000000 : *36
00000000 : *37
00000000 : *38
00000000 : *39
00000000 : *40
00000000 : *41
00000000 : *42
00000000 : *43
00000000 : *44
00000000 : *45
00000000 : *46
00000000 : *47
00000000 : *48
00000000 : *49
00000000 : *50
00000000 : *51
00000000 : *52
00000000 : *53
00000000 : *54
00000000 : *55
00000000 : *56
00000000 : *57
00000000 : *58
00000000 : *59
00000000 : *60
00000000 : *61
00000000 : *62
00000000 : *63
00000000 : *64
00000000 : *65
00000000 : *66
00000000 : *67
00000000 : *68
00000000 : *69
00000000 : *70
00000000 : *71
00000000 : *72
00000000 : *73
00000000 : *74
00000000 : *75
00000000 : *76
00000000 : *77
00000000 : *78
00000000 : *79
00000000 : *80
00000000 : *81
00000000 : *82
00000000 : *83
00000000 : *84
00000000 : *85
00000000 : *86
00000000 : *87
00000000 : *88
0ACC2DA0 : models/grenade.mdl
0AD5AA50 : models/v_tfc_12gauge.mdl
0A4514D0 : models/p_smallshotgun.mdl
0A9B1810 : models/p_shotgun2.mdl
0AE5C500 : models/shotgunshell.mdl
0AD7CFE0 : models/v_umbrella.mdl
0ADC29F0 : models/p_umbrella.mdl
0A72F8C0 : models/v_tfc_crowbar.mdl
0A750E80 : models/p_crowbar.mdl
0A9C9650 : models/p_crowbar2.mdl
0AC782B0 : models/v_tfc_knife.mdl
0AD8FA60 : models/p_knife.mdl
0AC98A50 : models/p_knife2.mdl
0A1A96A0 : models/v_tfc_medkit.mdl
0ADD0650 : models/p_medkit.mdl
0ADD3260 : models/p_medkit2.mdl
0A70CD50 : models/v_tfc_spanner.mdl
0AE54440 : models/p_spanner.mdl
0A4B4B30 : models/p_spanner2.mdl
0A983B40 : models/v_tfc_nailgun.mdl
0A99B100 : models/v_tfc_supernailgun.mdl
0A4BAF70 : models/p_nailgun.mdl
0A728DB0 : models/p_nailgun2.mdl
0A740560 : models/p_snailgun.mdl
0A7482B0 : models/p_snailgun2.mdl
0A4C2860 : models/v_tfc_rpg.mdl
0A48D240 : models/p_srpg.mdl
0A494850 : models/p_rpg2.mdl
0A50B280 : models/rpgrocket.mdl
099469B0 : sprites/smoke.spr
0AE5FF30 : models/w_rpg.mdl
0B40DB00 : models/v_rpg.mdl
0A9B8750 : models/p_rpg.mdl
0A4B1940 : models/w_egon.mdl
0A50FF80 : models/v_flame.mdl
0AB5CC20 : models/p_egon.mdl
0A5314B0 : models/p_egon2.mdl
0A70C600 : models/w_9mmclip.mdl
09949C50 : sprites/fthrow.spr
0A53BD10 : models/v_tfc_pistol.mdl
0A65E190 : models/p_spygun.mdl
0A706BE0 : models/p_9mmhandgun2.mdl
0A55FFF0 : models/v_tfc_sniper.mdl
0A585720 : models/p_sniper.mdl
0A58F420 : models/p_sniper2.mdl
0A594E50 : models/v_tfc_railgun.mdl
0A5B30A0 : models/w_gauss.mdl
0A5B5570 : models/p_9mmhandgun.mdl
0A5BCE30 : models/v_tfac.mdl
0A5CEE70 : models/p_mini.mdl
0A5E4940 : models/p_mini2.mdl
0A5EFDA0 : models/shell.mdl
0A5F2E50 : models/v_tfgl.mdl
0A609B70 : models/p_glauncher.mdl
0A614E80 : models/p_glauncher2.mdl
0A619550 : models/pipebomb.mdl
0A61B390 : models/v_tfc_shotgun.mdl
0A6357B0 : models/p_shotgun.mdl
0A63D010 : models/sentry1.mdl
0A644FC0 : models/sentry2.mdl
0A64DEC0 : models/sentry3.mdl
0A656EB0 : models/base.mdl
09959BB8 : sprites/shellchrome.spr
0A6B5240 : models/dispenser.mdl
0A668870 : models/computergibs.mdl
0A6740A0 : models/teleporter.mdl
0995B498 : sprites/particle.spr
0A6BC8D0 : models/presentsm.mdl
0A6E6C10 : models/w_grenade.mdl
0A6C5550 : models/v_grenade.mdl
0A7015A0 : models/p_grenade.mdl
0A6DD3E0 : models/p_grenade2.mdl
0A6E2A20 : models/w_grenadeT.mdl
0995C178 : sprites/shockwave.spr
0A6E8A80 : models/conc_grenade.mdl
0A6EB650 : models/mirv_grenade.mdl
0A6EF0D0 : models/bomblet.mdl
0A6F0310 : models/ngrenade.mdl
0A6F3C90 : models/napalm.mdl
0A6F56A0 : models/spy_grenade.mdl
0A6F6970 : models/emp_grenade.mdl
0A6F9840 : models/caltrop.mdl
0A6FBC60 : models/backpack.mdl
0995DA58 : sprites/explode01.spr
0996D958 : sprites/WXplo1.spr
0997D858 : sprites/steam1.spr
099847C0 : sprites/bubble.spr
099851A0 : sprites/bloodspray.spr
0998FE68 : sprites/blood.spr
099913C8 : sprites/laserbeam.spr
099924A8 : sprites/laserdot.spr
0A73F750 : models/nail.mdl
09992E88 : sprites/explode1.spr
099A49A8 : sprites/playerflame.spr
099A7B50 : sprites/saveme.spr
0A752880 : models/player/scout/scout.mdl
0A7FAC20 : models/player/scout/scout2.mdl
0A847280 : models/player/sniper/sniper.mdl
0A9FBE00 : models/player/sniper/sniper2.mdl
0AA47E60 : models/player/soldier/soldier.mdl
0AEFB7E0 : models/player/soldier/soldier2.mdl
0AF46E80 : models/player/demo/demo.mdl
0AFEE4A0 : models/player/demo/demo2.mdl
0B03A640 : models/player/medic/medic.mdl
0B0DA3F0 : models/player/medic/medic2.mdl
0B126090 : models/player/hvyweapon/hvyweapon.mdl
0B1DD190 : models/player/hvyweapon/hvyweapon2.mdl
0B229F60 : models/player/pyro/pyro.mdl
0B2D0080 : models/player/pyro/pyro2.mdl
0B31D810 : models/player/spy/spy.mdl
0B3C2D00 : models/player/spy/spy2.mdl
0A8DE7C0 : models/player/engineer/engineer.mdl
0AB755D0 : models/player/engineer/engineer2.mdl
0ABC08E0 : models/player.mdl
0ADD5E70 : models/player/civilian/civilian.mdl
0A9CB520 : models/presentlg.mdl
0A9D7680 : models/detpack.mdl
099A8698 : sprites/flare3.spr
0A9F5570 : models/w_suit.mdl
0AE61160 : models/w_battery.mdl
0A459930 : models/w_antidote.mdl
0A4B4160 : models/w_security.mdl
0AB50380 : models/w_longjump.mdl
0A9DF910 : models/hgibs.mdl
0AB0E0F0 : models/agibs.mdl
099A9378 : sprites/xflare1.spr
099BE4A0 : sprites/voiceicon.spr
00000000 : sprites/flare1.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/flag.mdl (!R)
0AB4CCF0 : models/miniturret.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/r_armor.mdl (!R)
0A4588A0 : models/w_medkit.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/area49.bsp (!R)
00000000 : *89
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00000000 : *221 (!R)
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00000000 : *331 (!R)
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00000000 : *333 (!R)
00000000 : *334 (!R)
00000000 : *335 (!R)
00000000 : *336 (!R)
00000000 : *337 (!R)
00000000 : *338 (!R)
00000000 : *339 (!R)
00000000 : *340 (!R)
00000000 : *341 (!R)
00000000 : *342 (!R)
00000000 : *343 (!R)
00000000 : *344 (!R)
00000000 : *345 (!R)
00000000 : *346 (!R)
00000000 : *347 (!R)
00000000 : *348 (!R)
00000000 : *349 (!R)
00000000 : *350 (!R)
00000000 : *351 (!R)
00000000 : *352 (!R)
00000000 : *353 (!R)
00000000 : *354 (!R)
00000000 : models/leon/civilian.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/leon/toolbox.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/leon/barrelgibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/ventgibs.mdl (!R)
0B439320 : models/fleshgibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/hgrunt.mdl (!R)
0AB72BF0 : models/w_shotgun.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/leon/loader.mdl (!R)
0A9C7580 : models/woodgibs.mdl
0AB56650 : models/metalplategibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/apache.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/gman.mdl (!R)
0AB51D50 : models/cindergibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/leon/ventgibs.mdl (!R)
0ACB9480 : models/turret.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/arcticescape_r.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/boat_metal.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/fence.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/toilet.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/airconditioner.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/ventgibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/sink.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/antenna.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/satellite_dish.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/light.mdl (!R)
0A49EDE0 : models/keycard.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/deadguy_arctic.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/filecabinet.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/crate.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/toolchest.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/toolbox.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/generator.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/lamp.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/oxygen.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/ac_large.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/electrical_box.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/snowcat.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/lifeboat.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/padlock.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/radar.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/barrels.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/barrelgibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/crategibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/ship_bridgechair.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/ship_bridgewheel.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/ship_galley.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/ship_bed.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/radio.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/desk.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/coke_box.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/coke_bag.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/arcticescape/rib.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/colonyx_r.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/cactusgibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/xenobeam.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/blueflare1.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/glow01.spr (!R)
0AE5E310 : models/tree.mdl (!R)
0A1D0530 : models/skeleton.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/redflare1.spr (!R)
0A74F190 : models/light.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/b-tele1.spr (!R)
0A9B6110 : models/fungus.mdl (!R)
0A73D020 : models/fungus(small).mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/flare6.spr (!R)
0AD11160 : models/glassgibs.mdl
00000000 : sprites/glow02.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/rjet1.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/dustyescape_r.bsp (!R)
00000000 : sprites/muzzleflash.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/spanner.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/hgruntidl.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/scientist1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/toolboxdus.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/scientist2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/deadba1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/battery.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/sofa3x.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dustyescape/xplode3.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/metalplategibs_dark.mdl (!R)
0A9BFD60 : models/rockgibs.mdl
00000000 : sprites/muzzleflash2.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dustyescape/xplode4.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/gman.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/scientist3.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/scientist4.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dustyescape/scicorner.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/tele1.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/dustyescape2_pt2.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/osprey1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dusty2/xplode3.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dusty2/fog2.spr (!R)
099C0310 : sprites/xsmoke1.spr
00000000 : sprites/xflare2.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/osprey2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/umbrella.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/medkit.mdl (!R)
099E8C40 : sprites/moths.spr
00000000 : maps/dustyescape2.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/sniper_die.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/sniper_idle.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dusty2/fire3.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dusty2/fire2.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/helifly.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dusty2/smokepuff.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/osprey_enginegibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/osprey_tailgibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/osprey_bodygibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dusty2/xplode2.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/toolbox.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/machine.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/dustyescape2_pt3.bsp (!R)
00000000 : maps/dustyescape2_pt4.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/hgruntidl.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/motoboat.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/dusty2/xplode4.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/dusty2/lampcone.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/rs_plant1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/cactus.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/palmes01.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/palmes02.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_huey.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_crates.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_bapallet.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/flame.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/yellow_grass.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/dead_sci2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_tripod.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_plan.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_pencils.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_oillamp.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/crystal_yellow.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_barrel.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_wheelbarrow.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_supplybag.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_camel.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_archeologist.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/crystal_orange.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/lamp1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/flames.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_pick.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/crystal_purple.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/rockgibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_throne.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/mummy_attack.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/mummy_idle.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_sarcophagus.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_shovel.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_table.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_urns.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/crystal_blue.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/mummy2_idle.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/mummy2_attack.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/skullvanish.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/cavein.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse_pt2.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/knife.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/skeleton.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_urn1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_urn2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_tutbird.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_golddog.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/crystal_green.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_snake.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/hotglow.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_skull.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_walldog.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_scarab1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_scarab2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/lamp2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/treasure.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/key.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/dark_grass.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_dogfloor.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_anubishead.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/centaur_idle.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/centaur_attack.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/poison_cloud.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/glow1.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse_pt3.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_sarcophagus2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/rockgibsgray.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_scorpion.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/torch1p.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/tall_torch.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ownage.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/sandstorm.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/steam.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/statue_4.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/statue_5.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/health_vial.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/hg_chopper.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/hg_dead1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/hg_dead2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/hg_dead3.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/hg_backpack.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/hg_armor.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse_pt4.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_ra_idle.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/coffin1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_ra_throw.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_ra_stomp.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_ra_magic.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_biganubis.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/ra_skull.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/statue_2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/statue_1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/tchest1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/tchest3.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/ins_goldscarab.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/beam_glow.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/credits/rsnake.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/credits/larry.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/credits/abs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/credits/sim.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/credits/n3c.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/credits/orion.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/fw_red.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/fw_orange.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/fw_white.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/fw_yellow.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/fw_green.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/kfc.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse2_pt2.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/monika.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_ammobox.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/steam2.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_emptybucket.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/tricorne.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/tricorne_head.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/engine_fire.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/dirigible_final.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse2.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_sprinkler.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_trashbin.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_toilet.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_sofa.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_clock.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_coatrack.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_phone.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_ashtray.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_plant4.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_keys.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_beer.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_lampwall.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_expharao1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_expharao2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_trophy1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_trophy2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_egyptmirror.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_egypturn.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_goldfig1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_goldfig2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_kingtut.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_chair.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_boss.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_wilson.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_george.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_ceilingfan.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_moneycase.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_sofaboss.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_ceilinglamp.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_bookpile1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_bookpile2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_papers.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_umbrella.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/museum/mus_book.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/enm_rat.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/npc_egypt2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/npc_egypt1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/npc_egypt3.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/burger.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_axe.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/monkey_paper.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/monkey_banana.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/npc_nicebutt.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_clothbox.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/scaffold_2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_shitter.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/eg_citystuff2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/npc_egypt4.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse2_pt3.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_rope.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/tchest1a.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_torch.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/w_shotgun.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/yellow_tp.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/lightning.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse2_pt4.bsp (!R)
09D78E88 : models/ceilinggibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/pillar_boss.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/the_curse2_pt5.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/scaffold_1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/xbeam5.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/sphinx_source.mdl (!R)
0AC87530 : models/egyptesc/sphinx_boulder.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/item_wood.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/egyptesc/shiny.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/orion.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/rsnake.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/main_dancer.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/bartaps.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/sim.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/tommi.mdl (!R)
0A40ECE0 : models/egyptesc/2credits/larry.mdl (!R)
0A4243E0 : models/egyptesc/2credits/demon.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/b_salm_alex.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/sabinette.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/error.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/rnr.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/franksmot.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/phos.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/leon.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/dougie.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/varitseja.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/bar_girl1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/bar_girl2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/egyptesc/2credits/deadpool.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/planet_xen.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/headcrab.mdl (!R)
0AD07630 : models/planet_xen/zombie.mdl (!R)
0A4B35C0 : models/hair.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/planet_xen/dead1hgrunt.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/planet_xen/dead3hgrunt.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/planet_xen/dead3islave.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/planet_xen/dead2hgrunt.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/planet_xen/dead1islave.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/planet_xen/dead2islave.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/planet_xen/dead4islave.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/planet_xen2_r.bsp (!R)
00000000 : sprites/fire.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/fexplo.spr (!R)
0A9F8E60 : models/fungus(large).mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/c-tele1.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/enter1.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/nhth1.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/islave.mdl (!R)
0AB2FB50 : models/zombie.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/exit1.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/planet_xen2_r_p2.bsp (!R)
00000000 : sprites/gwave1.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/planet_xen/powercell.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/xbeam3.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/d-tele1.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/fm_mapvote_b5.bsp (!R)
00000000 : maps/sectore.bsp (!R)
00000000 : sprites/rsesc2/smoke_puff.spr (!R)
0ADC7730 : models/rsesc2/eg_supplybag.mdl (!R)
0ACC5880 : models/rsesc2/corpses.mdl (!R)
0A45A2B0 : models/rsesc2/boxes.mdl (!R)
0AE9B290 : models/rsesc2/corpses2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/corpses3.mdl (!R)
0A481B60 : models/rsesc2/pipes.mdl (!R)
0ACBE690 : models/rsesc2/w_umbrella.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/camera.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/lgtning.spr (!R)
0AD281A0 : models/rsesc2/grunt_idle2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/grunt_idle1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/sectore_pt2.bsp (!R)
00000000 : sprites/rsesc2/xplode4.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/tank.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/rsesc2/fire2.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/sniper_idle.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/rsesc2/xplode2.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/osprey2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/osprey1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/credits/rsnake.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/credits/larry.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/credits/absinthbad.mdl (!R)
0A439AE0 : models/rsesc2/credits/n3c.mdl (!R)
0A46C460 : models/rsesc2/credits/orion.mdl (!R)
0AB18160 : models/rsesc2/credits/desta.mdl (!R)
0AC5E8F0 : models/rsesc2/credits/sim.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/credits/tommi.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/credits/hopea.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/rsesc2/credits/balmax.mdl (!R)
0AEDD050 : models/rsesc2/credits/trance.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/hackers_beta2.bsp (!R)
0AC9DDC0 : models/hackers/w_catalyst.mdl (!R)
0ACA5FF0 : models/hackers/b_infportal.mdl (!R)
0AE42910 : models/hackers/b_resource_nozzle.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/xsmoke3.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/invasion.bsp (!R)
00000000 : sprites/xfireball3.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/bluejet1.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/invasion/xsmoke3_down.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/invasion2.bsp (!R)
0A0FCE48 : models/rsesc1/rs_spanner.mdl (!R)
0A20BA50 : models/rsesc1/rs_crab.mdl (!R)
0A24FB30 : models/rsesc1/houndeye1.mdl (!R)
0A0F06D8 : models/rsesc1/cactus.mdl (!R)
0A0F6C48 : models/rsesc1/cam.mdl (!R)
0A104958 : models/rsesc1/card.mdl (!R)
0A116D68 : models/rsesc1/dead1.mdl (!R)
0A141358 : models/rsesc1/houndeye2.mdl (!R)
0A1E1420 : models/rsesc1/dead2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/rsesc1/teleport.spr (!R)
0A21E740 : models/rsesc1/soldier.mdl (!R)
0A2A8AA0 : models/rsesc1/barnacle.mdl (!R)
0A0B8968 : models/rsesc1/civilian2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/jurassicpark.bsp (!R)
0A0A73E8 : models/jurassicpark/bush_fern_small.mdl (!R)
0A0EB0C8 : models/jurassicpark/bush_japan_fern_01.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/chopper.mdl (!R)
0A0D34E8 : models/jurassicpark/scaffold_short.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/scaffold.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/tree_japan_round.mdl (!R)
09F69638 : models/jurassicpark/dino2.mdl (!R)
0A0E6AD8 : models/jurassicpark/wires.mdl (!R)
09F8CEA8 : models/jurassicpark/tree_jungle01.mdl (!R)
09FDFF48 : models/jurassicpark/tree_jungle02.mdl (!R)
0A0264B8 : models/jurassicpark/tree_jungle_07.mdl (!R)
0A059E78 : models/jurassicpark/tree_junglev03.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/tree_gshaded.mdl (!R)
0A0962F8 : models/jurassicpark/tree_broken.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/tree_greyv1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/tree_jungle_05.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/jurassicpark_pt2.bsp (!R)
0A19A2B8 : models/jurassicpark/ventgibs.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/jurassicpark/rain.spr (!R)
0A2F0C40 : models/jurassicpark/trexidle.mdl (!R)
0A31DE80 : models/jurassicpark/trexbite.mdl (!R)
0A34D140 : models/jurassicpark/trexdie.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/jurassicpark/blood_chnk.spr (!R)
0A37C0F0 : models/jurassicpark/trex.mdl (!R)
0A3A8D80 : models/jurassicpark/jeepgas.mdl (!R)
0A3BAD20 : models/jurassicpark/jeepgun.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/jurassicpark_pt3.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/renesaur.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/tree_jungle_06.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/renesaurrise.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/jurassicpark_pt4.bsp (!R)
0AE623E0 : models/jurassicpark/bush_evergreen.mdl (!R)
0A3CC650 : models/jurassicpark/bush_shrubv01.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/jurassicpark/smoke.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/raptoridle.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/raptorbox.mdl (!R)
0AE8C9C0 : models/jurassicpark/lab_table.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/lab_machine.mdl (!R)
0A1A3848 : models/jurassicpark/lab_microscope.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/lab_oscilliscope.mdl (!R)
0AC377B0 : models/jurassicpark/lab_scale.mdl (!R)
0A19C448 : models/jurassicpark/oxygen.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/airconditioner.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/raptorhiss.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/raptorrun.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/chopper2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/rib.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/jurassicpark/pentarun.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/saw.bsp (!R)
0AC36460 : models/w_357.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/playerflameloop.spr (!R)
0AC05430 : models/saw/key_old1.mdl (!R)
0A3F5290 : models/saw/bigrat_HL.mdl (!R)
0AC52BE0 : models/abone_template1.mdl (!R)
0A401FD0 : models/bleachbones.mdl (!R)
0A40CD50 : models/gib_legbone.mdl (!R)
0AC34110 : models/gib_lung.mdl (!R)
0A3EE950 : models/gib_skull.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/glow03.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/ballsmoke.spr (!R)
0AC27EF0 : models/saw/spanner.mdl (!R)
0AC2FA00 : models/saw/umbrella.mdl (!R)
0AC48880 : models/saw/key_new1.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/smurfescape.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/rockgibsbig.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/palm1B.mdl (!R)
0AE93410 : models/themap/plant.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/mushroom2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/themap/fire.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/palme2.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/eye.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/themap/headzysmoke.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/themap/yelflare1.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/themap/splash.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/themap/warpin.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/smurf_boots.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/testmap/smurf_boots.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/spotlight01.spr (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/silver_key.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/smurf_hat.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/smurf_statue.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/statue_boots.mdl (!R)
0AD13C00 : models/themap/burger_plate.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/themap/crood2.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/smurfescape2_r.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/headz/gator.mdl (!R)
0AC54850 : models/headz/rockgibsbig.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/smurf_nappy.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/flybelt.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/nappy_statue.mdl (!R)
00000000 : models/themap/bird_statue.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/assault.bsp (!R)
00000000 : models/assault/backpack_blue.mdl (!R)
09F53FA0 : models/assault/backpack_red.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/xffloor.spr (!R)
00000000 : sprites/muz1.spr (!R)
00000000 : maps/leehotel2.bsp (!R)
09E7EC28 : models/uplant1.mdl (!R)
09E83388 : models/can.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/zelda_eastpalace.bsp (!R)
09D985A8 : models/zelda/bow.mdl (!R)
09D961C8 : models/zelda/rupee.mdl (!R)
09D93F28 : models/zelda/heart.mdl (!R)
09DA4708 : models/zelda/arrows.mdl (!R)
09D1BD88 : models/zelda/key.mdl (!R)
09D8EFC8 : models/zelda/magic_jar.mdl (!R)
00000000 : sprites/zelda/fairy_high_quality.spr (!R)
09D1F398 : models/zelda/map.mdl (!R)
09D89948 : models/zelda/compass.mdl (!R)
09D8C4B8 : models/zelda/bigkey.mdl (!R)
09AA8E90 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_fish.mdl
09D3A7A8 : models/snstrafe/teleporter.mdl (!R)
09A97FA0 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_skel.mdl
09A7DB60 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_civ.mdl
09A6C860 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_paper.mdl
09D87F48 : models/snstrafe/tip.mdl (!R)
09D64598 : models/snstrafe/ganja.mdl (!R)
09D68F08 : models/snstrafe/cigars.mdl (!R)
09D7D328 : models/snstrafe/matches.mdl (!R)
09A47F90 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_khc.mdl
09A39860 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_bench.mdl
09D53018 : models/snstrafe/bushsm1.mdl (!R)
099D1C38 : sprites/snstrafe/flames.spr
09A1AA70 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_quad.mdl
09D75A78 : models/snstrafe/teleporter2.mdl (!R)
09D728F8 : models/snstrafe/key1.mdl (!R)
099F6340 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_speed.mdl
099CF4C8 : sprites/snstrafe/glow1.spr
09A266D0 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_noleaves.mdl
09D80038 : models/pipepack.mdl (!R)
09D85978 : models/quad.mdl (!R)
00000000 : maps/strafe_rs5.bsp
09ABAF70 : models/snstrafe/rs_plant1.mdl
09A210C0 : models/snstrafe/rs_bh_fern.mdl
Total: 1024
SamVanheer commented 5 years ago

This issue needs to be reopened since sprite model cache data is checked by GetModelPtr calls, which causes either Cache_UnlinkLRU: NULL link errors, data corruption or crashes.

I've listed possible solutions in issue #2085

CS-PRO1 commented 5 years ago

I believe this and must be moved to future release or removed from any milestone so they're not forgotten @SamVanheer

SamVanheer commented 5 years ago

@mikela-valve If you think this change can be made without the risk of breaking mods then it's probably a good idea to do so at some point.