I've tried to type in the TF2 chat these Unicode symbols (using ALTGR layout) and they appear as the question mark... but if I just copy-paste those symbols from text to textbox, then these characters appear normally.
The text: АаӘәБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжҖҗЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнҢңОоӨөПпРрСсТтУуҮүФфХхҺһЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя
One time I typed using ALTGR layout, other time I just copy-pasted 'problem' symbols.
I've tried to type in the TF2 chat these Unicode symbols (using ALTGR layout) and they appear as the question mark... but if I just copy-paste those symbols from text to textbox, then these characters appear normally.
The text: АаӘәБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжҖҗЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнҢңОоӨөПпРрСсТтУуҮүФфХхҺһЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя
One time I typed using ALTGR layout, other time I just copy-pasted 'problem' symbols.