ValveSoftware / steam-audio

Steam Audio
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[UE 5.1] The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version #341

Open weepingforest opened 2 months ago

weepingforest commented 2 months ago

I'm trying to get Steam Audio to work with Unreal Engine 5. The problem is that whenever I go to Plugins section in Unreal Engine 5 and enable Steam Audio, it requires me to restart UE5, and when I do it always gives me this error: "The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: Steam Audio SteamAudioEditor Engine modules cannot be compiled at runtime. Please build through your IDE."

And the only option available is 'OK' which does nothing.

First time I saw this error was in Unreal Engine 5.3.2, so I guessed it was because of lack of compatibility. So now I tried it with UE 5.1.0, but I still get the same error. I downloaded the plugin directly and didn't build it myself with IDE. Needless to say, I also deleted the default Steam Audio plugin from Plugins/Runtime/Steam folder. I tried it with Steam Audio 4.5.3 and 4.1.3. I get the same error with both. Thanks in advance.

lakulish commented 2 months ago

@weepingforest Are you installing the SteamAudio plugin into the Plugins subdirectory of your project, or into the Engine/Plugins subdirectory of your Unreal Engine installation directory? UE5 should be able to recompile the plugin if it's installed into the project-specific plugins subdirectory.

FraBad98 commented 1 month ago

@weepingforest I don't have the solution, unfortunately. I'm here because I'm having the exact same issue. Did you manage to fix it? If so, what was the procedure?

Thanks in advance!

LinusLindblad commented 1 week ago

@FraBad98 In-case you or anyone else that stumbles on this thread has the same issue, this is caused by placing the steamaudio plugin into the plugin folder of your engine directory [UE5 Root]/Engine/Plugins/[Plugin Name]. Instead of the per-project plugin folder located at [Project Root]/Plugins/.

If there is no "plugins" folder inside your project root you can add one.

Unreal will report the same error on initial startup, but will actually be able to compile the modules now.

(If this doesn't work for you or there are issues stopping the project from opening, you can edit the .uproject file in notepad to stop the plugin from loading externally.)

Hope this helps!