ValveSoftware / steam-audio

Steam Audio
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Popping when using default HRTF #350

Open Ravbug opened 1 month ago

Ravbug commented 1 month ago

System Information

Issue Description When using IPLBinauralEffect and IPLDirectEffect in distance attenuation mode, I occasionally get crackle and popping artifacts. When I dump out the resulting in-flight buffers and graph them in Desmos, I found that sometimes the samples are well beyond the [-1,1] range.

image Link to desmos graph:

This is the code I am using:

const auto nchannels = AudioPlayer::GetNChannels();

// render it
IPLfloat32* inputChannels[]{ };
static_assert(std::size(inputChannels) == 1, "Input must be mono!");
IPLAudioBuffer inBuffer{
    .numChannels = 1,
    .numSamples = IPLint32(monoSourceData.GetNumSamples()),
    .data = inputChannels,

Debug::Assert(buffer.GetNChannels() == 2, "Non-stereo output is not supported");

IPLfloat32* outputChannels[]{
IPLAudioBuffer outputBuffer{
    .numChannels = nchannels,
    .numSamples = IPLint32(buffer.GetNumSamples()),
    .data = outputChannels

auto sourcePosInListenerSpace = vector3(invListenerTransform * vector4(sourcePos,1));
auto normalizedPos = glm::normalize(sourcePosInListenerSpace);

IPLBinauralEffectParams params{
    .direction = { normalizedPos.x,normalizedPos.y,normalizedPos.z },
    .spatialBlend = 1.0f,
    .hrtf = GetApp()->GetAudioPlayer()->GetSteamAudioHRTF(),
    .peakDelays = nullptr

auto result = iplBinauralEffectApply(effects.binauralEffect, &params, &inBuffer, &outputBuffer);

// do distance attenuation in-place
IPLDistanceAttenuationModel distanceAttenuationModel{
IPLDirectEffectParams directParams{
    .distanceAttenuation = iplDistanceAttenuationCalculate(state.context,{sourcePosInListenerSpace.x,sourcePosInListenerSpace.y,sourcePosInListenerSpace.z},{0,0,0},&distanceAttenuationModel)

result = iplDirectEffectApply(effects.directEffect, &directParams, &outputBuffer, &outputBuffer);

I am using the default SteamAudio HRTF.. The source samples are within the [-1,1] range. Is it expected for SteamAudio to produce samples out of bounds?

lakulish commented 1 month ago

@Ravbug If the input samples are already close to +/- 1, then it's possible that the HRTF will cause the output samples to be slightly outside the [-1, 1] range, but based on the graph, that's not the issue here. Can you try creating the context with validation enabled (see here) and see if that indicates any invalid/NaN inputs?

Ravbug commented 1 month ago

I passed IPL_CONTEXTFLAGS_VALIDATION, and I didn't get any asserts or additional logs. The out-of-range values are in the ballpark of 10-20 so it doesn't seem like UB to me, but I could be wrong.

lakulish commented 1 month ago

Output sample values in the 10-20 range are definitely not expected. Do you happen to know what the source and listener positions were when these out-of-range sample values were generated? I want to make sure I'm able to reproduce the conditions under which you're encountering the issue. Thanks!

Ravbug commented 1 month ago

I reproduced it with these positions, in world space: source pos: (0,0,0) listener pos: (2.50609, 9.20201, 0) listener rotation (quaternion xyzw): (-0.395396, 0.586227, 0.395396, 0.586227)

I noticed that the source audio (before SteamAudio sees it) has a couple of values in the [-20,20] range so this could partially be a case of garbage in -> garbage out, however, the buffers that SteamAudio produces have many more out-of-range samples than the input data. These samples also don't always align with the input out-of-range samples. Is this expected?

Here is another Desmos graph with the source buffer and resulting SteamAudio output buffers for this capture: