ValveSoftware / steam-devices

List of devices Steam and SteamVR will want read/write permissions on, to help downstream distributions create udev rules/etc
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Please consider submitting udev rules upstream #33

Open Naheem opened 2 years ago

Naheem commented 2 years ago

Please, consider submitting the udev rules to upstream (systemd). Here is an example how to do it: systemd/systemd#20561.

This will help users who use flatpak steam (or appimage if there is a steam appimage).

smcv commented 2 years ago

This is not going to be quick: it needs some design work. I've started the process at

carlosvalin94 commented 2 months ago

Hi, do you have any updates? Is there an estimated time for when this issue will be resolved?

Peque commented 1 month ago

@smcv Now that has been marked as resolved, what would be the state of this? (and/or, which is maybe very closely related). :blush: