Closed RokeJulianLockhart closed 5 months ago
Hello @rokejulianlockhart, this reads like a duplicate of #9383. Please test if changing PrefersNonDefaultGPU
to false (or removing it) in Steam's desktop shortcut works around the issue you're seeing.
@kisak-valve, what, exactly, should I add to set that?
```.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Steam Comment=Application for managing and playing games on Steam Exec=/usr/bin/steam %U Icon=steam Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Network;FileTransfer;Game; MimeType=x-scheme-handler/steam;x-scheme-handler/steamlink; Actions=Store;Community;Library;Servers;Screenshots;News;Settings;BigPicture;Friends; PrefersNonDefaultGPU=true X-KDE-RunOnDiscreteGpu=true [Desktop Action Store] Name=Store Exec=steam steam://store [Desktop Action Community] Name=Community Exec=steam steam://url/SteamIDControlPage [Desktop Action Library] Name=Library Exec=steam steam://open/games [Desktop Action Servers] Name=Servers Exec=steam steam://open/servers [Desktop Action Screenshots] Name=Screenshots Exec=steam steam://open/screenshots [Desktop Action News] Name=News Exec=steam steam://open/news [Desktop Action Settings] Name=Settings Exec=steam steam://open/settings [Desktop Action BigPicture] Name=Big Picture Exec=steam steam://open/bigpicture [Desktop Action Friends] Name=Friends Exec=steam steam://open/friends ```
Focus on the last two lines of the [Desktop Entry]
Ha, I missed that. Apologies.
The machine which I was testing this on I rarely utilize. I'll reopen this if I ever bother to reinstall the OS and this reappears.
Your system information
Steam logs
Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:
New OS installation. Installed Steam. Steam never launches after authenticating the account, because it never loads user data.
Steps for reproducing this issue:
does not work, whereas