ValveSoftware / steam-for-linux

Issue tracking for the Steam for Linux beta client
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creates hidden folders for games I don't own on steam startup #10817

Closed tetoNidan closed 3 weeks ago

tetoNidan commented 3 weeks ago

Your system information

Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:

I expect only games I own to make folders. I don't want any program polluting any directory with unnecessary/useless files or folders! It just started happening. I don't own killing floor, prey or anything from paradox. I don't even know what mbwarband or klei are. All directories are empty when steam creates them.

Steps for reproducing this issue:

  1. remove hidden folders in home for games I don't own: cd ~/ && rmdir .prey .paradox* .killingfloor .mbwarband .klei

  2. start steam or steam-native (both are installed and both have the same behavior)

  3. repeat

tetoNidan commented 3 weeks ago

Additional info: This is not a steam issue! This is a firejail issue. I just checked my steam.profile and all those directories are whitelisted and created by firejail.

I usually check to see if it's firejail before making bug reports but this time I forgot. 99/100 times it's firejail!

For future peoples and those that don't know how to check if firejail is messing with steam, launch the game without firejail in the terminal using /usr/bin/steam or /usr/bin/steam-native if your using steam-native. If your issue is gone your issue is with firejail not steam.

Sorry for the false bug report. This issue is closed.