ValveSoftware / steam-for-linux

Issue tracking for the Steam for Linux beta client
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few problems with TF2 #158

Closed Gps2010 closed 10 years ago

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

When I try to watch a vid in steam, the gui crashes.

I was not able to quit the game the normal way, I had to use ctrl alt esp.

Processor Information: Vendor: AuthenticAMD Speed: 3200 Mhz 4 logical processors 4 physical processors HyperThreading: Unsupported FCMOV: Supported SSE2: Supported SSE3: Supported SSSE3: Supported SSE4a: Supported SSE41: Unsupported SSE42: Unsupported

Network Information: Network Speed:

Operating System Version: "openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64)" (64 bit) Kernel Name: Linux Kernel Version: 3.4.11-2.16-desktop X Server vendor: The X.Org Foundation X Server release: 11203000

Video Card: Driver: ATI Technologies Inc. ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series

Driver Version:  4.2.11931 Compatibility Profile Context
Desktop Color Depth: 24 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 59 Hz
VendorID Not Detected
DeviceID Not Detected
Number of Monitors:  1
Number of Video Cards Not Detected
Primary Display Resolution:  1680 x 1050
Desktop Resolution: 1680 x 1050
Primary Display Size: 17,05" x 10,67"  (20,08" diag)
                                        43,3cm x 27,1cm  (51,0cm diag)
Primary VRAM Not Detected

Sound card: Audio device: Realtek ALC892

Memory: RAM: 3959 Mb

Miscellaneous: UI Language: English LANG: nl_NL.UTF-8 Microphone: Not set Total Hard Disk Space Available: 302381 Mb Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 269886 Mb

Installed software:

Recent Failure Reports: Thu Dec 20 18:28:23 2012 GMT: file ''/tmp/dumps/crash_20121220192817_1.dmp'', upload yes: ''CrashID=bp-38238b30-6ac7-41b3-8f50-8c1962121220''

scottlu commented 11 years ago

crashes in

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Update: I also had no sound in teamfortress 2. Thanks to opensuse forum and phonorix forum.

I had to type: SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio steam this fixed the sound issue, I now have sound in Teamfortress. I then tried to join a server, but that failed, it said I had to be logged in to steam. Tomorrow I will try again to see, if this is just a coincidence, or a new problem.

This is the output of the command:

xxxx@linux-0iwr:~> SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio steam Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) unlinked 0 orphaned pipes Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) [1222/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files [1222/] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Process 3660 created /ValveIPCSharedObjects3 Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) GLError: 1282 Generating new string page texture 2: 48x256, total string texture memory is 49,15 KB Generating new string page texture 3: 256x256, total string texture memory is 311,30 KB Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) Adding license for package 2621 Adding license for package 482 Adding license for package 4687 Adding license for package 4073 Adding license for package 2481 Adding license for package 425 Adding license for package 0 roaming config store loaded successfully - 1338 bytes. migrating temporary roaming config store Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) ExecCommandLine: "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam" Generating new string page texture 73: 128x256, total string texture memory is 442,37 KB Generating new string page texture 74: 128x256, total string texture memory is 131,07 KB Generating new string page texture 75: 64x256, total string texture memory is 507,90 KB Generating new string page texture 76: 32x256, total string texture memory is 540,67 KB Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1355957371_client) System startup time: 16,78 seconds ExecSteamURL: "steam://open/driverhelperready" SteamUpdateUI: An X Error occurred X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 40 (X_TranslateCoords) Resource id in failed request: 0x200019b Serial number off ailed request:14006 Generating new string page texture 90: 256x256, total string texture memory is 393,22 KB

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Update on flash. Steam now tells me I do not have the right flash version, thats progress :)

Pointed to a webpage and told to install the right codex for my os.

That is probably were it goes wrong, because that gives me 64 bit flash.

After installing those, I still had the same message. Using the internet, I found out I need the 32 bit flash version.

( in Firefox flash works )

The solution, should be copy the 32 bit file into the right folder. something like Ubuntu /steam / flash plugins.

There are three places steam looks for flash plug ins, but adding the 32 bit also to firefox sounds like a good way for causing problems. ( especially with adobe flash ) Putting it in a steam folder, should be 100% safe.

The problem I had, not being able to quit the game normal, click quit, is gone.

The sound fix was a temp one. When I started steam the next day, again no sound. I could however join servers again.

The graphics, although I only played a few sec, because of no sound, looked good. :+1: Turning around looked smooth, but I need to put more game time in for a good judgment? on that.

For now for a beta, I am very happy, Need to find a solution the sound though, one that stays. It does not seem to be a problem for all suse users, but I am far from the only one, with no sound.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Update. Played twice for over an hour TF2, in game no problems, game runs great. :+1: I am very happy, good job! Quitting the game, no problem.

Starting steam with SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio steam, does for me the job.

Steam gui does not crash anymore ( because of flash).

For now I give up on flash. Tried Installing 64 bit flash from the page you get directed too. That did not help, then tried copy 32bit flash .so to browser plugin folder.
Tried installing 32 bit rpm from adobe, which seemed to work, my package manager installed extra needed libs, but Flash in steam keeps telling me its not the right version. $%#!@###*&%! flash

On the bright side: flash is the only thing not working.

A minor issue with steam full screen, some KDE tweaking should solve this.

Could not be more happy, specially this being a beta. I cant notice in steam if I am on windows or Linux, :+1:

Noticed something, which might interest you. Between a view lines of break path exception handlers GLError: 1282

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Found a topic of a Suse64 bit user who got flash fixed. I will try again.

Today After playing for over 2 hours the game crashed. [code] Game update: AppID 440 "Team Fortress 2", ProcID 3698, IP warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 Uploading dump (in-process) [proxy ''] /tmp/dumps/crash_20121229152108_1.dmp success = yes [/code]

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Bring in the dancing girls !

Flash now is working in steam too.

Most forums I visited tell me to copy flash 32 bit into a folder. For some this seems to work, but not for me.

I did add a folder in .steam/steam/Ubuntu12_32 called plugins.

Copied in that folder the 32 bit flash so. Then copied the other files from the rpm, into place ( the flash read me tells how)

This by itself does not work, but after I installed nspluginwrapper ( ) after a reboot, flash in steam is working, on openSUSE 64 bit (12.2)

To sum it up, I cant tell for sure if just installing nspluginwrapper is enough, (flash 32 might still be necessary) but without it, it did not work for sure.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Installing nspluginwrapper , fixed something else too, I had not even noticed yet, to be broken. There is now music playing, when I see the screen in tf2, were you can pick, play online.

When I installed the wrapper, my package manager added allot of 32 bit libs.

We clearly need a list with dependencies, but I know from the Vlave steam on linux forums, it is already being discussed. :+1:

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

So, in short, you were missing some 32-bit deps and had to update flash and link it correctly. You had to select your audio device in the command line.

@Gps2010 you may want to check your steam audio settings and see which audio device is listed as the one to be used. If it's set to default, see what your default is.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Yep I was missing 32 bit libs, and needed 32 bit flash. (not really an update, because Updating the 64 bit flash to the latest, did nothing)

Sound works if I start steam with SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio steam

I have no idea how to see what audio device is set to default for steam ?

I already looked around in the gui, and tried google, but cant find anything.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Maybe I should start a new thread ?

About 3 days ago, steam did an update. (opensuse 12.2 64 bit )

After this steam was still working, but after the first time, i quit, it would start an update and start up again. Then I could quit steam.

Since yesterday I get a pop up window. Steam client out of date, contact package maintainer, or get it here.

Because of License questions, I would have to wait, for an rpm or, try it myself.

This is what I did but at the last step it tells me:

The selected package 'steam-0.1-2.noarch' from installation source, Cache of common rpm files, has a lower version number then the one installed.

Sound I talk with my opensuse friends or ? There is something confusing me:

When I select continue in the pop up window, steam starts and when I check in the gui, if my client is up to date, it tells me it is.

oden63 commented 11 years ago

All the warning message is telling you is that the package is out of date. The package is separate from the client, but contains the script that launches the client. The script has a version number in it that the client checks against. When the client is updated it updates the required minimum version level of the package. If the version number in the launcher script is less you get the warning. I did a comparison of the launcher script between version 0 and the latest (version 100021) and they are virtually identical.

In short, don't worry about it.

Also, do you still get "GLError: 1282" in your terminal output? I get it and I also have the flash video problem, which I can't seem to resolve even after trying everything I've found posted about it including installing nspluginwrapper.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

I still have the gl error 1282, I am not using the beta drivers though. (catalyst)

About flash, I remember opening yast and install everything I could find named pulse audio and alsa 32 bit libs. Youre probably still missing some lib, which one though is the big question.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

I remember something else.

When you download something with Linux, you usual cant execute it. First need to change the rights. chmod XXX ( I do not remember the exact command) but the last X stands for who is allowed to run the file.

So check if youre flash so can execute.

I changed the rights of the file through the desktop ( kde ) though.

oden63 commented 11 years ago

Thanks, I tried making it executable. I tried it as a link, I tried uninstalling my 64-bit plugin. All in all, I've tried everything I've seen posted about it. I think you are right. I must be missing a library, or maybe the beta driver has an issue. Unfortunately, I need to use the beta driver to run SS3 BFE. I'll probably just compare my 64-bit libraries to the 32-bit ones and install any missing 32-bit libraries. I might also try different versions of the plugin...

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Updated catalyst to 13.1

Seems to work better, less stutter. ( stutter is almost gone) Game feels smoother. Thanks Valve and AMD

Still have the gl error 1282 though.

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

For what it's worth, I'd suggest putting information into a gist instead of block-posting it.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

It took me a bit to figure out, but here we go. Also started teamfortress 2.

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

Thanks. It makes it easier to reference and makes it easier to read the issue itself for anyone trying to get through the posts.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

I was already looking for an solution before you asked. My reply was almost unreadable. :)

I hope to update the steam client soon. But when I posted my problem on the openSUSE forum, I got no replies.

When I try to install the fresh made rpm, it complains that some files on my pc, are a newer version, then the ones, the rpm wants to install.

the package steam-0.1-2.noarch has a lower version number, then the one installed Use install force steam-0.1-2.noarch to force install.

I am very reluctant to use force install.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Thanks to one of my openSUSE friends I made some progress. He made a script, which downloads the deb, and then installs it on openSUSE. ( this is a solution to get passed the license concerns,

It has already worked as clean install, and in my case, without removing anything, as an update. I do not get the message, your client is out of date anymore.

So currently the only issue remaining, is the fact that I have to start steam with an command, to have sound. (SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio steam)

For others with openSUSE: and search for steam or for 12.2:

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

After the last update the error : GLError: 1282 is gone

The output from the command line now looks like this:

jorgenpt commented 11 years ago

Issue transferred to ValveSoftware/Source-1-Games#26.

This issue is closed - continue conversation there.

bdeen-valve commented 11 years ago

The TF2 issues are fixed here. The rest are all Steam.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago


I Installed Catalyst 13.2 beta 6 Serious Sam 3. And a tool to set kernel Cpu frequency settings. ( because of SS3 )

With these drivers and cpu kernel setting performance, Teamfortress 2 runs incredible fluently.
It improved allot over time already, but now, WOW . Thank you.

About the sound: For Serious Sam 3 it does not matter how I start steam. I am at the moment fully used, to start steam from the commandline with SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio steam To have sound with TF2 and Half Life, counterstrike.

SS3 does not need this.

openSUSE 12.2 64 bit AMD phenom II X4 3.2ghz, 4 gig ram, hd5750 1gig ram

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Final ? update :)

Thank you, thank you. Since the last update of steam, i do not need that command anymore.

I just rebooted my pc to make 100% sure.

After that changed the settings of steam, to start when my pc starts. Works like a charm, so again thank for making this dream come true. Gaming on Linux !

Off topic, I really like the new layout of steam, and my mouse pointer does not change anymore when I start TF2. I could not be more happy.

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

@Gps2010 I do want to say that the possibility of gaming on Linux has been around (I've been doing it for years now). It's just nice that Steam's finally here to bring the variety.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Agreed, but I was never very lucky with wine. Aliens vs Predator 2 being one of the show stoppers. (with nvidia card)

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Just noticed one minor issue.

The tray icon in KDE, it's just a missing icon image, not the steam logo. It works as it should though.

MrSchism commented 11 years ago

Agreed, but I was never very lucky with wine. Aliens vs Predator 2 being one of the show stoppers. (with nvidia card)

For me, the thing that kept me playing the Linux games were FPSs. I had a list of games including Urban Terror, Wolfenstein:ET, Alien Arena, and WarSow.

The tray icon in KDE, it's just a missing icon image, not the steam logo. It works as it should though.

It's been filed as a bug already.

Gps2010 commented 11 years ago

Minor update: I am now running steam on openSUSE 12.3 (12.2 before)

Works like a charm. ( besides known bug about tray icon )

One thing I noticed, when I start steam from the command line:

(steam:6232): Gtk-WARNING **: Kan themamodule niet vinden in modulepad: ‘oxygen-gtk’,

An attempt to tranlate: (steam:6232): Gtk-WARNING **: Can't find thememodule in modulepath: ‘oxygen-gtk’,

If you're interested in the complete output from the command line, please tell me.

gdrewb-valve commented 10 years ago

Closing as it appears the original issue has been addressed.

Gps2010 commented 10 years ago

I only reply to confirm, the original issue has been addressed. Thank you guys.