ValveSoftware / steam-for-linux

Issue tracking for the Steam for Linux beta client
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Create a Debian compatible deb #26

Closed ghost closed 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

Some of the dependencies for the Ubuntu deb are uninstallable on Debian Wheezy

MarcosCC commented 11 years ago

Yes please! Supporting multiarch as well :) Happy to test and provide feedback.

Debian Wheezy 64, multiarch enabled, Phenon II X6, Geforce 460GTX

kartikm commented 11 years ago

+1. It seems that just recompiling on Debian should work. Or just put source, we'll do that :)

lachlan-00 commented 11 years ago

+3. i was able to run on wheezy with experimental packages but not

jockey-common isn't packaged either and that looks like it provides the ubuntu restricted drivers tool. Luckily that doesn't look to be part of the deb but would cause errors with the options to look for driver updates inside steam

darkmatterhari commented 11 years ago

Indeed! Dual booting Squeeze with the bpo kernel and Wheezy. i5-3317U, Intel HD 4000.

ghost commented 11 years ago

+1 for Wheezy atleast. The solution might also be a common package for multiple deb based distributions if not such a strict dependencies were used.

Urfoex commented 11 years ago

+1 Debian Testing here.

thomasgoirand commented 11 years ago

+1 Debian testing (Wheezy) amd64 here. It's only a mater of rebuilding, please do it, it's not much efforts.

dahlellama commented 11 years ago

+1 Linux Mint Debian Edition amd64 here.

TheDharc commented 11 years ago

yeah Valve, Debian is Ubuntu's dad, please support us

cschramm commented 11 years ago

+1 wheezy

krc commented 11 years ago

Debian unstable+experimental AMD64 (multiarch) here, with version, only two minor issues for Valve to fix:

The Ubuntu package libjpeg-turbo8 is libjpeg8 in Debian

And the Ubuntu package for libpulse0 has an epoch version of 1, while the Debian package does not have one. (libpulse0 >=1:0.99.1 is needed, Debian has 2.1-2 (no epoch))

Debian AMD64 also has an issue because libwayland0 is not yet multiarch (Debian bug #690081)

KlaasT commented 11 years ago

+1 wheezy

zelurker commented 11 years ago

+1 testing amd64.

lecterror commented 11 years ago


LMDE amd64 w/ multiarch, ready for testing!

johnv-valve commented 11 years ago

dupe of #13 and #73

TheDharc commented 11 years ago

"closed" means you will realize our request?

Zerias commented 11 years ago

I would agree that a clarification from Valve would be appreciated. Most other software vendors, such as Google, have little trouble packaging applications for both Debian(Pure) and Debian(Ubuntu). I find myself highly confused as to why Valve's package is tied to Debian(Ubuntu) packages.

For example, a clarification over why libjpeg-turbo8 was used in place of libjpeg might explain some of the logic behind the packaging issues.

s17t commented 11 years ago


Majkl578 commented 11 years ago

@Zerias: Valve stated earlier that they are going to support Ubuntu only (for now) so that might clarify dependency issues/hell and other problems on non-ubuntu linux. Whether this decision is wise or not is a different question. Personally I think it is a step in wrong direction (just at the beginning of linux support…). Luckily the community has also demonstrated, that it was wrong to (try to) support Ubuntu only. :)

@johnv-valve: In what way is this a duplicate of #13? That issue is about RPM/TGZ, not about fixing .deb package's dependencies.

s17t commented 11 years ago

@Majkl578 I didn't find the statement you are referring to. Could you link to it ? Thank you.

jidlaph commented 11 years ago

@Majkl578 He also marked it as a dupe of #73. I think they're lumping all "Support $OTHER_DISTRO" requests together. Though I agree that they should be separate issues: adding support for an RPM distro is a whole 'nother kettle of fish compared to the minor tweaks required to make it run on Debian, so they probably won't be fixed at the same time.

vlhm commented 11 years ago


LMDE amd64 w/ multiarch

johnv-valve commented 11 years ago

@Zerias - libjpeg-turbo8 is used because it supports multiarch on Ubuntu 12.04 while libjpeg8 does not.

We are working out a way that all the different distros and their communities can get Steam install packages in their preferred flavor. So I have tried to lump all "Steam needs support for " feature requests into one issue.

I understand the desire to have native packages for different distros, but right now the bulk of our efforts have to go towards Ubuntu 32-bit and 64-bit since that is what the vast majority of our customers are running.

I hope that provides the clarification you were looking for.

slouken commented 11 years ago

FYI, we are working on a package dependency system that distributions can customize to map Ubuntu package dependencies into what is needed for any given distribution.

jidlaph commented 11 years ago

Very informative, @johnv-valve, thank you. libjpeg8 has multiarch support as of version 8d-1, which is in Testing and Unstable. So is it just a matter of waiting for Wheezy to unfreeze?

cschramm commented 11 years ago

...but not in any version of Ubuntu yet. That's what he's referring to.

So, the reason for the deb package's Debian-incompatible dependencies are the shortcomings of Ubuntu. Sad state of the Debian ecosystem.

Zerias commented 11 years ago

@Shakademus which is, again, why the smart development idea is to base against the source distribution, in this case Debian, and that forces the downstream vendor, in this case Debian(Ubuntu), to get their act together.

AgentE382 commented 11 years ago

I run Linux Mint Debian Edition.

I get this when I do sudo apt-get install steam:i386:

 steam:i386 : Depends: libjpeg-turbo8:i386 but it is not installable
              Depends: multiarch-support:i386 (>= 2.15-0ubuntu10.2)
              Depends: libc6:i386 (>= 2.15) but 2.13-37 is to be installed
              Depends: libpulse0:i386 (>= 1:0.99.1) but 2.0-6 is to be installed

I understand I need libjpeg8, but what about the other three? Will Steam work with the versions I have? (I have 2.13-37 of multiarch-support. The other versions are in the message.)

If not, how do I fix it? If so, what should the dependencies really be?

Majkl578 commented 11 years ago

@AgentE382: libjpeg-turbo8 might be replaced by libjpeg8 without any problem, multiarch-support & libc6 are basically eglibc 2.15+ in both i386 and amd64 versions, libpulse0 is ok, that is a packaging problem (2.0-6 is newer than 1:0.99.1). Generally, you only need to obtain and install a newer eglibc, currently you can have 2.13-37, but at least 2.15 is required.

bonly commented 11 years ago

Yes...we need steam for Debian

bonly commented 11 years ago

sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb Selecting previously unselected package steam. (正在读取数据库 ... 系统当前共安装有 74785 个文件和目录。) 正在解压缩 steam (从 steam_latest.deb) ... dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of steam: steam 依赖于 libcurl3-gnutls (>= 7.16.2-1). steam 依赖于 libjpeg-turbo8. steam 依赖于 libogg0 (>= 1.0rc3). steam 依赖于 libpixman-1-0 (>= 0.24.4-1). steam 依赖于 libsdl1.2debian (>= 1.2.10-1). steam 依赖于 libtheora0 (>= 1.0~beta1). steam 依赖于 libudev0 (>= 175-0ubuntu9.2). steam 依赖于 libvorbis0a (>= 1.1.2). steam 依赖于 libvorbisenc2 (>= 1.1.2). steam 依赖于 libvorbisfile3 (>= 1.1.2). steam 依赖于 multiarch-support (>= 2.15-0ubuntu10.2);然而: 系统中 multiarch-support 的版本为 2.13-38。 steam 依赖于 libasound2 (>= 1.0.23);然而: steam 依赖于 libc6 (>= 2.15);然而: 系统中 libc6:i386 的版本为 2.13-38。 steam 依赖于 libcairo2 (>= 1.6.0);然而: steam 依赖于 libcups2 (>= 1.4.0);然而: steam 依赖于 libdbus-1-3 (>= 1.2.14);然而: steam 依赖于 libfontconfig1 (>= 2.8.0);然而: steam 依赖于 libfreetype6 (>= 2.3.9);然而: steam 依赖于 dpkg: error processing steam (--install): 依赖关系问题 - 仍未被配置 正在处理用于 desktop-file-utils 的触发器... 正在处理用于 gnome-menus 的触发器... 正在处理用于 hicolor-icon-theme 的触发器... 正在处理用于 man-db 的触发器... 在处理时有错误发生: steam

sRaH commented 11 years ago


inducer commented 11 years ago


Mastergatto commented 11 years ago

Now the only thing that is still causing dependecies problems on Debian is the Pulseaudio library.

steam:i386 : Depends: libpulse0:i386 (>= 1:0.99.1) but 2.0-6 is to be installed

Because the Ubuntu version isn't the same version on Debian, and it also uses a different version number (1:0.99.1 vs 2.0-6). Can you do something about it?

CAPSLOCK2000 commented 11 years ago

I agree with Mastergatto, this simple fix would things much easier for Debian users.

slouken commented 11 years ago

We're in the process of creating the Steam Linux Runtime which will hopefully take care of most of these issues.

mockturtl commented 11 years ago

jockey-common isn't packaged either and that looks like it provides the ubuntu restricted drivers tool. Luckily that doesn't look to be part of the deb added Depends: jockey-common.

blooalien commented 11 years ago

I entirely agree with those who state that Valve should simply target the root distro (Debian) as doing so give automatic and convenient support for ALL Debian based distros, rather than only supporting one increasingly proprietary distro (Ubuntu) which once again is recently making foolish decisions which are driving away users to other distros. (One past example of such a decision is the Unity desktop which drove away some folk to other flavors of Ubuntu, but more recently they are embedding "spyware" and "adware" into the distro which has again upset some folk and driven them to further distrust Ubuntu variants altogether.) If Canonical continues to rub their users the wrong way, they may find themselves in a similar boat to other distros in the past who've met with forked projects or losing mass numbers of users to competing distros. The simple and safe solution to this is to target Steam at the parent distro of Ubuntu (Debian) ensuring an easy migration path for any users switching from Ubuntu to other Debian based distros, while also ensuring that Steam continues to be available to the widest possible userbase, as Debian based distros are among the most widely used currently, with RedHat (Fedora) .rpm package based distros running a fairly close second I believe?

jidlaph commented 11 years ago

It's in Testing's non-free repo now.

GotenXiao commented 10 years ago

This has also been addressed in steam-launcher - the Depends has been downgraded to a Recommends.