Open varunar644 opened 6 years ago
How is the implementation of laser pointer and UI coming along?
Hi all, am facing the same in my current project. Any help would be appreciate.
Am using the SteamVR_LaserPointer script, the script gave 3 events : PointerClick, PointerIn, PointerOut. I have a script called "UISteam" on my scrollbar.
When I received the PointerClick, am using ExecuteEvents.Execute(, new BaseEventData(EventSystem.current), ExecuteEvents.scrollHandler) to manage the scroll action but nothing happen since now. Anyone has idea how I can figure the issue out ? Thanks
I'm currently using SteamVR_Laserpointer script (included in Steamvr plugin) to interact with UI elements by adding colliders to them. But when I tried to interact with a scrollview nothing happens. I want to implement a scrollview in VR. Please help me with this issue.