ValveSoftware / unity-xr-plugin

OpenVR plugin for Unity's XR API
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Stereo rendering mode reverts to single pass instanced after exiting play mode in Unity 2020.1.1 #31

Open montoulieu opened 3 years ago

montoulieu commented 3 years ago

Hey there, I've been running into an issue with Unity 2020.1.1 where the stereo render mode will revert to single pass instanced every time I exit play mode.

My initial issue was using any post processing effects on single pass instanced and it producing a gray blank screen while in play mode.

Switching to multi pass allows those effects to work properly, but like I said, it reverts back to single pass instanced every time I exit play mode which clearly seems off.

Currently using SteamVR Unity Plugin v2.6.1 and OpenVR XR Plugin v1.0.1

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

zite commented 3 years ago

Sorry you’re having issues with this. Did you set the stereo render mode in code or in the xr management ui?

On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 12:39 PM Pieter Montoulieu wrote:

Hey there, I've been running into an issue with Unity 2020.1.1 where the stereo render mode will revert to single pass instanced every time I exit play mode.

My initial issue was using any post processing effects on single pass instanced and it producing a gray blank screen while in play mode.

Switching to multi pass allows those effects to work properly, but like I said, it reverts back to single pass instanced every time I exit play mode which clearly seems off.

Currently using SteamVR Unity Plugin v2.6.1 and OpenVR XR Plugin v1.0.1

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

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montoulieu commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick response! Only trying to set it in the xr management ui at the moment.

zite commented 3 years ago

Looks like it isn't auto saving properly. For now you should be able to change it then hit Ctrl-S or File -> Save and it should stick. We'll get that fixed in the next version.

montoulieu commented 3 years ago

Ah sick, that totally did it. Thanks again for the quick solution. 👍

zite commented 3 years ago

Strange, on further inspection this only happens if you have the XR Management window open when you leave Play mode. If you set the setting, and then close the window, it should stick.

montoulieu commented 3 years ago

Ah very weird. I do have the Project Settings open at all times on the bottom corner of one of my monitors, so that totally checks out.