VamsiRagnar / NodeBB_Contribution

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Meeting Notes #14

Closed VamsiRagnar closed 6 months ago

VamsiRagnar commented 7 months ago

Purpose The "Meeting Notes" issue is created to effectively track and document important discussions, decisions, action items, and other relevant information from project meetings. It serves as a centralized repository for organizing meeting summaries and ensuring transparency and accountability within the team.

Structure We will follow a standardized template or structure for capturing meeting notes. This includes sections for meeting agenda, attendees, key discussion points, action items, and next steps. The template will be updated and refined based on the evolving needs of the project.

Meeting Schedule Our meeting schedule is as follows:

Daily Scrum: Teams, Every day 5:30 pm to 5:40 pm Sprint Planning: In-person, Every Monday 4 pm to 5 pm Sprint Retrospective: In-person, Every Monday 3:45 pm to 4 pm

Collaboration and Participation We encourage all team members to actively contribute to the meeting notes by adding their insights, updates, and action items directly to the issue thread. Collaboration and participation are essential for maintaining clear documentation and fostering a productive team environment.

Accessibility and Transparency The meeting notes will be accessible to all project stakeholders, and the issue link will be shared or appropriate permissions granted to ensure transparency in communication. This enables everyone to stay informed about project developments and decisions.

Continuous Improvement We will regularly review the effectiveness of the meeting notes process and solicit feedback from team members on how it can be improved. Iterations on the format, structure, and content will be made based on lessons learned and project needs.

ChaitanyaGudimalla commented 6 months ago

Minutes of Meeting (MOM) Date: February 5th, 2024 Attendees: Chaitanya Jyothi Gudimalla, Aishwarya Sri Pati, Vamsi Krishna Yamani

Mode: In-person

Agenda: Review and finalize the team contract. Discuss and plan project requirements for the upcoming sprint.

Meeting Summary:

Team Contract Review:

Project Planning:

Action Items:

Next Meeting: Sprint Planning Meeting for Week 2 on February 12th, 2024, at 4:00 PM.

ChaitanyaGudimalla commented 6 months ago

Minutes of Meeting (MOM) Date: February 12th, 2024 Attendees: Chaitanya Jyothi Gudimalla, Aishwarya Sri Pati, Vamsi Krishna Yamani

Mode: In-Person


Meeting Summary: Selection of User Stories:

Setting Up Development Environment:

Understanding Project Architecture and Flow:

Creating Subtasks: Subtasks for the "Anonymous Posting" user story were created to break down the implementation process into smaller, manageable tasks. These subtasks include:

Action Items:

Next Meeting: Sprint Review Meeting on February 19th, 2024, at 4:00 PM.

ChaitanyaGudimalla commented 6 months ago

Minutes of Meeting (MOM) Date: February 19th, 2024 Attendees: Chaitanya Jyothi Gudimalla, Aishwarya Sri Pati, Vamsi Krishna Yamani


Meeting Summary: Review of Evaluation Feedback:

Creation of Tasks and Subtasks:

Assignment of Tasks and Progress Update:

Action Items:

Next Meeting: February 26th, 2024, at 4:00 PM, for progress update and task review.

ChaitanyaGudimalla commented 6 months ago

Minutes of Meeting (MOM) Date: February 26, 2024 Attendees:: Chaitanya Gudimalla, Aishwarya Sri Pati, Vamsi Krishna Yamani


Meeting Summary:

Review of Pull Requests (PRs):

Test Writing Discussion:

Preparation for Checkpoint 2:

Action Items:

Next Meeting: March 1st, 2024, at 1:00 PM on Teams for presentation of Checkpoint 2 progress.

VamsiRagnar commented 6 months ago

Daily Scrum Updates:

Feb 6, 2024:

1.Finalized team contract signed by all members. 2.PDF version uploaded to Web courses. 3.Communication platform (Teams) set up and functional. 4.GitHub Project board updated with sprint tasks. 5.Recurring 1-hour meeting scheduled.

Feb 7, 2024:

1.Progress updates and challenges discussed. 2.Recurring meeting schedule confirmed. 3.Platform-related issues addressed. 4.GitHub Project board reviewed.

Feb 8, 2024:

1.First recurring meeting held, project updates discussed. 2.Insights shared, action items reiterated. 3.Communication facilitated, platform queries addressed. 4.GitHub Project board updated with meeting progress.

Feb 9, 2024:

1.Progress made on tasks towards sprint goals. 2.Pending action items followed up on. 3.Smooth communication ensured, collaboration encouraged. 4.Project progress monitored, GitHub Project board updated.

Feb 13, 2024:

1.Confirmed "Anonymous Posting" user story for sprint. 2.Set up dev environments and discussed project architecture. 3.Assigned subtasks and addressed setup issues.

Feb 14, 2024:

1.Explored project architecture for feature integration. 2.Created subtasks and assigned team members. 3.Discussed potential challenges during implementation.

Feb 15, 2024:

1.Started implementing "Anonymous Posting" subtasks. 2.Addressed roadblocks and maintained communication. 3.Conducted progress check-ins and adjusted plans.

Feb 16, 2024:

1.Continued subtask implementation. 2.Reviewed progress and addressed issues. 3.Prepared for mid-sprint review meeting. 4.Ensured alignment with sprint objectives.

Feb 20, 2024:

1.Reviewed evaluation feedback for Checkpoint 1. 2.Introduced new user story for TA account type functionality. 3.Created subtasks for TA account type and "Anonymous Posting" user stories.

Feb 21, 2024:

1.Assigned tasks and subtasks to team members. 2.Started working on frontend and backend modules for "Anonymous Posting." 3.Aishwarya began creating subtasks for TA account type.

Feb 22, 2024:

1.Progressed with assigned tasks for both user stories. 2.Maintained communication and collaboration. 3.Addressed challenges and adjusted plans as needed.

Feb 23, 2024:

1.Continued development of frontend and backend modules. 2.Updated progress and discussed any roadblocks. 3.Ensured alignment with sprint objectives and deadlines. 4.Prepared for upcoming tasks and milestones.

Feb 26, 2024:

1.Reviewed Pull Requests (PRs) related to assigned tasks. 2.Tested functionality implemented in PRs for correctness. 3.Discussed the importance of test writing for user stories.

Feb 27, 2024:

1.Continued reviewing and testing PRs. 2.Discussed comprehensive test coverage for codebase reliability. 3.Planned preparation for Checkpoint 2 presentation.

Feb 28, 2024:

1.Progressed with PR reviews and testing. 2.Agreed on content and structure for Checkpoint 2 presentation slides. 3.Assigned tasks for slide creation.

Feb 29, 2024:

1.Finalized content for presentation slides. 2.Reviewed and adjusted individual contributions. 3.Prepared for upcoming presentation meeting on March 1st.