*Draft Title:Create a CUSTOM Full Stack App in 5 minutes with AI**
Length: 15-20 minute presentation with demo
Links: N/A
Which dates, particularly Tue/Wed/Thu during the 2nd/3rd week of a month, are you likely available? Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan
We are going to look into Marblism, an AI tool that lets developers create a Full Stack App with the use of prompts. During the demo we will create a Full Stack app within minutes, taking the idea of the app from the audience and showing the true power of AI and how it is going to transform the future of Web/App Development
Speaker Bio
*Name:Umer Khalid*
Mini-bio: AI Enthusiast with 8 years of experience in Full Stack Development
Picture for slides: (We like to include a picture of each speaker in our slides for the event intro)
Would you like help with your presentation? (Feedback on notes, practice run): No
We are going to look into Marblism, an AI tool that lets developers create a Full Stack App with the use of prompts. During the demo we will create a Full Stack app within minutes, taking the idea of the app from the audience and showing the true power of AI and how it is going to transform the future of Web/App Development
Speaker Bio