63 - A summary ticket for all my work. Several small changes documented in here that weren't covered by all these other tickets.
20 - Cleaned up the RF filter design. Inductors as right angles, both 0603 and 0805 outline options, proper via stitching, etc.
24 - Designed my own filter, which is VERY close to the v1.7b design.
55 - Added both a SAO and GPIO header. Top left three pins of GPIO header are WS2812 output.
54 - Added NeoPixel LED (with output on GPIO header). Also a power LED, and the led most dev boards have on GPIO2, called "User". Since so much code is probably already written to use this.
Applied several tickets:
63 - A summary ticket for all my work. Several small changes documented in here that weren't covered by all these other tickets.
20 - Cleaned up the RF filter design. Inductors as right angles, both 0603 and 0805 outline options, proper via stitching, etc.
24 - Designed my own filter, which is VERY close to the v1.7b design.
55 - Added both a SAO and GPIO header. Top left three pins of GPIO header are WS2812 output.
54 - Added NeoPixel LED (with output on GPIO header). Also a power LED, and the led most dev boards have on GPIO2, called "User". Since so much code is probably already written to use this.
1 - Did away with dev boards entirely and went directly to the ESP32 module. Mostly a copy of https://docs.ai-thinker.com/_media/esp32/boards/nodemcu/nodemcu_32s_sch.png
Board, multi-layer:
3D Model, top: