Vanco / SequencePlugin

SequencePlugin for IntelliJ IDEA
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Text format support #98

Closed mpsoftesis closed 1 year ago

mpsoftesis commented 2 years ago

hi there does SequencePlugin suport text format that are used at

title This is a title

Alice->Bob:Click and drag to create a request or\ntype it in the source area to the left
Alice<--Bob:drag to move
note over Bob,Double click to edit text:Click the **?** icon for **instructions** and **examples**
Bob->(3)Double click to edit text:non-instantaneous message


Vanco commented 2 years ago

What is your real want? Please make it more specific.

mpsoftesis commented 2 years ago

For example

I have file in my project site|doc folder -> login-sqeuence-diagramm.txt

it contains scenario (example from as )

title This is a title

Alice->Bob:Click and drag to create a request or\ntype it in the source area to the left
Alice<--Bob:drag to move
note over Bob,Double click to edit text:Click the **?** icon for **instructions** and **examples**
Bob->(3)Double click to edit text:non-instantaneous message

and is it possible to render this txt with SequencePlugin?

Vanco commented 2 years ago

No. SequenceDiagram is designed for show sequence base on source code. you can export generated diagram to PlantUML format (text) file, but import from txt file is not supported.