Vandivier / arias-tale-rpg

tech-forward role play experiment for fun, skill development, and community!
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cards against humanity meets dnd #61

Open Vandivier opened 5 months ago

Vandivier commented 5 months ago

apples to apples, cards against humanity, and many other "storytelling card games" exist (i guess the genre is card party game or card adult party game)

these seem to be more popular and accessible than both DnD / TRPGs and also gpt-4-driven aria's tale trpg or tcg

so let's do a new "mode" like this. hypothesis is that by dealing cards of plot trpg plot twists it actually becomes easier for people to do things bc for many people choosing any possible action is too overwhelming resulting in analysis paralysis.

additional hypothesis: "the cards made me do it" ironically lets some people be more free because they have to choose a card from their hand, so they cant be blamed for being weird, nerdy, or outrageous in cases where that might be socially unacceptable

lightweight pilot of this is possible via lunara's arc the play by comment arc; simply give people n specific options instead of letting them do anything (optimal tuning for n? another interesting question! we can give a default and suggest house rules allow larger hands for more creativity and variety if players desire)

Vandivier commented 5 months ago

lunara's arc kind of has a built in objective to beat the 100 floor boss (or current floor boss as a smaller rock)

this works for the ultimate game, but we can further generalize by having "objective cards" which let players have some rng and unexpected goals per game play (this can be seperate add-on from base game)

so players basically play turns until the objective is reached or failed. players might also have personal objectives unique to them (card type) and players can have unexpected endings to end the game (card type)

so it looks like card types are:

  1. objective cards (optional)
  2. ordinary move cards (needed)
  3. automatic move cards (optional)
  4. unexpected ending cards (optional)
  5. metagame cards (optional, eg discard, draw extra, veto, w/e)

i'm thinking for 'ordinary move cards' it works like apples to apples where everyone plays a move without knowing who did it, then ppl vote, then one actualized move is selected and the person who played it 'wins' that round. so players can accrue points in that way? but what do they do w those points? idk rn lol


Vandivier commented 5 months ago

relates to #41