Vandivier / ladderly-3

the home site for the ladderly ecosystem
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ability to hide contributions #212

Open Vandivier opened 1 month ago

Vandivier commented 1 month ago

by default we want to brag about the giving from the community as a social proof technique and a public thank you to them, effectively pushing profiles for top givers up the leaderboard and making them more visible

understandably, though, some folks might not want to show that they have spent lots of money

users can already disable this by disabling their public profile, but let's add something more fine-grained

let's add a "Hide Contribution Amount" setting which allows a user to have a public profile and yet still hide their contributions

also, on the leaderboard, add a "Thank you to our supporters" blurb at the top and mention that the leaderboard excludes X users that have elected to hide their public profile or their contributed amount

Vandivier commented 4 weeks ago

also a "badges only" feature which lets the user show badges related to a dollar range instead of a specific amount. badges include:

  1. Recent Donor (Any amount this month)
  2. C+ Club (100+)
  3. 1K+ Club (1000+)
  4. Bar Raiser: A top contributor at some point in the past
  5. Gold: Top contributor this month
  6. Silver: Second largest monthly contributor
  7. Bronze: Third largest monthly contributor
  8. Platinum: All Time Highest Donor (Total dollars)
  9. Diamond: All Time Most Frequent Gold Member (at least twice)

we can display up to three badges: your "best two" and a big plus icon if there are more than three

seperately, we should have referral badges to give thanks to people that indirectly financially support the site