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blog: 8 Keys of the Ladderly Standard Checklist #214

Open Vandivier opened 1 month ago

Vandivier commented 1 month ago

in advance of May 10 recording for Dev Leader on the topic of Obtaining Your First Full-Time Programming Role

reduce and crystalize the 26 standard steps plus even the advanced checklist into 10 or less main keys, eg:

  1. Start with a structured curriculum that has a built-in social network to improve learning, motivation, and job search success subsequent to learning. This is similar to what the university system already does, but it is absent in many online courses and absolutely absent when a student attempts to learn by self-directed YouTube browsing.
  2. Literacy, numeracy, and search are upstream of all other skills, including programming skills, non-programming hard skills such as a business analysis skills, and soft skills.
  3. Front end to fullstack is a great path into programming.
  4. Pick a quality school, bootcamp, or cert, not a random or average option.
  5. Build a substantive portfolio of 3-5 projects to improve and demonstrate learnings in a personalized way.
    1. Utilize a common project type, preferably one you already understand as a user before you touch a line of code. This maximizes public reference code and support documentation. This also maximizes employer understanding of your project, while mitigating concerns about cookie-cutter work.
    2. Utilize a pet project approach, enabling you to focus learning technology instead of spending time learning business and domain logic.
    3. Ladderly recommends a blog for projects 1-3, iterating from vanilla JS to fullstack React, a capstone, plus an optional social home page that doubles as a portfolio site.
  6. Focus on coding round and behavioral prep. Worry about system design after the entry level.
  7. Use volume application with social networking. The job search is its own skillset. Treat it like a job.
  8. Experiment and iterate in your job search. Have a growth mindset. Every failed interview is extremely helpful experience - the best interview prep is a real interview! If you do better in interview(n+1), then interview(n) wasn't really a failure was it? Just like you can die from a thousand cuts, you can succeed with a thousand tips or small improvements.

ask dev leader to CRUD this list; what is it missing, what can be sharpened or pruned?

Vandivier commented 1 month ago


Vandivier commented 1 month ago

with site map! and video reference to dev leader