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system design and behavioral kata #269

Open Vandivier opened 5 days ago

Vandivier commented 5 days ago

we have the leetcode kata to prime cognitive state for coding rounds, but what about for system design and behavioral?

we can do the same! a familiar and relevant exercise to calm nerves and bring relevant info top-of-mind

this pairs nicely with the advice to split a final loop over 2 days, ideally enabling a code kata on one day and some other kata on the other day (coding quarantine strategy)

reviewing Hello Interview videos is a great approach to system design kata imo, eg

for behavioral, structured light shadowboxing makes sense like this:

  1. candidate reviews the values for the target company
  2. candidate reviews their own behavioral answers and writes (or rewrites) matching signals per story
  3. candidate goes through a mental exercise of imagining (or asks an LLM) 3-5 behavioral questions and maps them to answers that optimize for impact and signal demonstration