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blog learning strategies + cognitive load #38

Open Vandivier opened 1 year ago

Vandivier commented 1 year ago

we already want to improve learning through spaced repetition:

we are already blogging some greatmaking curriculum properties:

this article will capture all other design features of the ladderly curriculum, which can then be referenced from an "About Page"

some thought leaders in learning strategies indicate that cognitive loading (particularly germane cog load) is more effective than active recall:


two question from a ladderly curriculum design POV:

  1. is cognitive load at odds w spaced repetition and active recall? or, like exercising at the gym, can leverage space (optimal resting) with high load? so they actually work together (area under the curve load / total load / time under tension, or "maximum effort rep" exercise? what about the equivalent of training to failure for cognitive work? what about Caplan's objection that learning is nothing like exercising? blog it!)
  2. how do we apply this for learning to code in particular? remember that maximizing germaine cognitive load as a strategy is moderated by the cognitive intensity of the underlying subject (calculus vs biology in the comparison from Darren Chai, MD)

applied tip: "pretend that recording devices don't exist"

ideally, also incorporate some other features:

  1. deliberate learning
  2. project-based learning and learning by doing
  3. social learning
  4. emotional learning
  5. Sufficiency Learning (as opposed to Mastery Learning
  6. Low-Stakes Learning (as opposed to high-stakes learning; encourage learning-by-failure) The Super Mario effect
  7. evidence-based learning (if there isn't an attached credential or measurable outcome; in addition, make it a credential that connects meaningfully to outcomes of intersted; for us, minimal bar is LinkedIn Skill Certs, but there are higher optional things too)
  8. [optional for juniors, but encouraged; required for seniors] learning by teaching
  9. [optional, experimental] learning in public (a special case of social learning and learning by teaching or co-learning integrated with the achievement of a substantial social following and demonstrated thought leadership in the field of interest)
  10. MAYBE: mastery learning
  11. MAYBE: cognitive loading
  12. MAYBE: active recall
  13. spaced repetition
  14. [MAYBE, experimental]: training to "cognitive failure" actually this seems like a bad idea bc isn't that contra super mario effect?
Vandivier commented 1 year ago

after this article is published, reference it from optimality

also, make sure google analytics gets in before the blog does (#17 )

Vandivier commented 9 months ago

depends on