Vandivier / ladderly-3

the home site for the ladderly ecosystem
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new modules epic #50

Open Vandivier opened 1 year ago

Vandivier commented 1 year ago
  1. search
  2. git and markdown basics
  3. non-interactive-caterpillar (row/col mobile switch;
  4. interactive-caterpillar
  5. prompt engineering crash course
  6. vanilla blog + deployed + trial by fire
  7. next-blog
  8. weird case, chat a bit about legacy stuff caterpillars round 2: deploy your caterpillars AND make a CSR, script-injected React caterpillar app
  9. next-portfolio
  10. next-social-home
  11. capstone
  12. job search
  13. optional: advanced markdown

searching module: general priority in 2023+:

  1. LLM Search
  2. Google Search
  3. Well-Known Search

boolean search (for tech issues and for the job search; indeed advanced search) google advanced search (eg site operator isn't a boolen search operator) LLMs: claude for strategy, ChatGPT (rec gpt-4) for code and technical ops (eg a CLI tool isn't exacty code but it is tech ops; anything where a syntax error could technically fail a process, in contrast to reading where if there's an awkward punction or word choice here and there you can still get the point (side note if Claude does word smth strangely and you arent getting the point, feel free to switch over to GPT or fall back to legacy or well-known sources social resource search + etiquette; use discord well-known sources like official docs per error (if you can find source), mozilla, stack overflow, css tricks, w3 schools, mosh (drop yours in the chat)

for now just talk to the LLM like you are chatting with a human. that will be enough to get you through Basic User Interactions with JavaScript (pre-intern level javascript). then, we will have a Prompt Engineering module for more advanced work

result evaluation:

  1. look for mature and stable results, not alpha, beta, or experimental features
  2. look for standard and best practices
  3. rule of thumb: 2-5 year practices
  4. avoid legacy patterns, ie obsolete, deprecated, very old
  5. look for results supported by multiple sources including trusted and official sources
  6. for libraries, prefer highly used and up-trending libraries; prefer open source; look at the issue/star ratio

git and markdown basics module: 5 basic markdown techniques:

  1. headings
  2. body copy (plain, bold, italics)
  3. links
  4. lists
  5. images

set up a repo, edit README in github GUI, remember! if you have any trouble at all, use search...that's why it was first...and specifically, ChatGPT can easily solve git cli concerns in nearly all cases Why do this git module before coding? so you can get demonstrated experience in your portfolio that proves your start date...otherwise a skeptic could treat u as sus / heresay. demonstrate it! it also builds the habit so that by the time you start your job search you will legit be comfortable with git and github, and have a portfolio with a high-quality README, which will separate you from the pack

later there's an advanced markdown module to make your readme even cooler

Vandivier commented 1 year ago

go back thru for some of the links like traversy projects etc

Vandivier commented 1 year ago

search is done

Vandivier commented 2 weeks ago

this after or as part of #311