Vanhal / ProgressiveAutomation

Progressive Automation
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IMPORTANT MAJOR AND GENERAL BUG (1.9 and 1.9.4) : Catched unhandled exception java.lang.NullPointerException #249

Closed Hypsellis closed 8 years ago

Hypsellis commented 8 years ago


A strange bug happens when a tile entity is destroyed, Almost all the time an exception is thrown when the bug happens : Catched unhandled exception [name of the tile entity] java.lang.NullPointerException For some particular blocks, Minecraft totally freezes and finished to crash with the error code -805306369 without any crash report. Here is the list of all the blocks wich are confirmed to provocate Minecraft to freeze and crashs with this error.

All these blocks follow the same error, only the name of the tile entity between the [ ] changes. Here is an example of how the error happens. The example is made with the resonant crystal of deep resonance. This is a full log and contains the launching of minecraft and the loading of a world, the moment where I brick the block and the bug happens is the moment where the exception [class com.hea3ven.buildingbricks.core.tileentity.TileMaterial] java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown :

Moreover some tile entities wich has brokner provocates Minecraft to totally crash with a crash report. Here is the list of all the block concerned and their crash report

I let you know that all the tests possible has already been made before I create this general issue and post it. I already tried to :

I precise that almost all the mods in Minecraft 1.9.4 and 1.9 are touched by this bug, because even if they don't provocate Minecraft to freeze or crash, almost always at each time a tile entity is broken, the exception Catched unhandled exception [name of the tile entity] java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown. I precise too that the list of all the tile entities listed at the top can be incomplete. I want you know that I tried to break block by block all the blocks of almost all the most popular mods on 1.9.4 and 1.9, so for summarizing something like 50 mods with more than 2000 blocks. So it's possible that I missed some blocks. It's why I send this issue to all the mods even if no ones of their block are concerned by the bug. I invite all the mod developpers to try by themselves to break all the tile entities of their mod for seeing they provocate the throwing of the exception, and maybe causes Minecraft to freeze.

Hypsellis commented 8 years ago

Sorry for having published this issue on your github. Some of your block threw the exception Catched unhandled exception [name of the tile entity] java.lang.NullPointerException even if they didn't freeze the game. So I wasn't sure if this mod was linked with the error too. But from what the others who are concerned by the freezing error told me, the exception is cause by Waila and isn't linked to the freezing and crashing error, so yeah sorry for the bothering.