Vanhal / ProgressiveAutomation

Progressive Automation
49 stars 31 forks source link

Too much expensive... #252

Closed aviallon closed 8 years ago

aviallon commented 8 years ago

In order to automatize the harvesting of 2 trees at a distance of 3 blocks, you need 1614 iron ingots, which is way too much expensive. I think it's a bug. For information, i'm running this mod on MC 1.9.4 with Forge

Vanhal commented 8 years ago

Option in configs to increase the range of each upgrade. Not a bug.

aviallon commented 8 years ago

Ok thnx

aviallon commented 8 years ago

but, I think you should increase the default values, no ? Just a suggestion

Vanhal commented 8 years ago

Nope, never

7eggert commented 8 years ago

You should have a 5x5 matrix of trees and use a stone chopper with range 24 for good results. If you automatize tool supply and energy, you'll lose 2 of those possible trees, but it runs well. I have 4 of those farms for my energy supply and I need to get rid of extra wood.

For bigger farms you'll need faster tools, but unless your golem farm runs in overdrive, it's not worth it.

For your two-tree setup, you should use two wooden choppers or stone choppers with range 1, depending on the type of axe you want to use.

aviallon commented 8 years ago

Thank you guy ! I changed a little bit the config because I'm using this mod with Botania, and now it runs very well. I just need a couple of iron upgrades to harvest my 4 trees.