Vanhal / ProgressiveAutomation

Progressive Automation
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Item transport troubles #293

Closed Candyman711 closed 7 years ago

Candyman711 commented 7 years ago

Cannot access chopper/crafter inventory for item extraction or insertion with item transfer nodes/pipes,Steve's factory manager.

Forge: Progressive Automation: 1.10.2-1.6.53

winsrp commented 7 years ago

I will second this one, and add also that it won't work with storage network pipes, rftools control, actual additions and enderio either, and tested on all the blocks, chopper, crafter, miner, farmer, etc etc... none of them work (and yes I have specified their fuel inputs and normal inputs/ouputs using wrench and still wont work.)

So tecnically speaking, at the current point, progressive automation, cannot be automated.

Vanhal commented 7 years ago

Implemented Inventory capabilities which should fix this (and other similar issues) in 1.7. (tested with extrautils)