Vanhal / ProgressiveAutomation

Progressive Automation
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Crafters stopping to work #315

Closed Thyriel closed 5 years ago

Thyriel commented 7 years ago

I have several crafters connect via EnderIO conduits that input the required items (side) and get the crafted items out on the bottom of the Crafters. However, they all stop after a while getting the finished items out of the Crafters and seem to "hang up":

Manually putting all the input items out and in again fixes it until they hang up again after a few minutes.

Looks to me like it's everytime happening it can't craft because there is not enough free space in the output slot but there are enough items in the input. (So it only effects crafts where a larger amount of items is generated in a single crafting process) Somehow it isn't able then to pull crafted items out of it then.

(I tried several other mods instead EnderIO as itemtransport but all have the same problem)