Vanhal / ProgressiveAutomation

Progressive Automation
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Request: Planter right click upgrade #325

Closed duncanwebb closed 7 years ago

duncanwebb commented 7 years ago

Would love to have an upgrade for the planter that right clicks crops to harvest them, would play well with mods like Pam's Harvestcraft and allow lots of different crop types in a small space.

Any chance?

SanAndreaP commented 7 years ago

It's already a config option!? Is it set to true for you? (in progressiveautomation.cfg, the option is called "RightClickPlants")

duncanwebb commented 7 years ago

Default is true, thanks for the help. So it breaks and harvest vanilla crops and right click harvestcraft and immersive engineering crops.

I was testing it on the Better with Mods Hemp and it is not being harvested, so I picked the wrong crop. I should have realized as I cannot add the seeds.

Vanhal commented 7 years ago

It will always attempt to right click the plant before breaking it. It might just be that the Hemp isn't being registered as a crop.

duncanwebb commented 7 years ago

Thanks this helps a bit. The ore dict name for hemp is cropHemp but the seed in this release doesn't have an ore dict name. So it should right click the mature plant and put the seeds and hemp in the output?

May be the seeds have been fixed as there are new files in the better with mods. I have assumed that you're parsing the ore dict name for crop and seed.

Sorry this is bit off the original request, do you want a new issue?

Vanhal commented 7 years ago

I've added support for the better with mods hemp now in 1.7.4 up later today.