Vanhal / ProgressiveAutomation

Progressive Automation
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Mystical Agriculture support #326

Closed SanAndreaP closed 5 years ago

SanAndreaP commented 7 years ago

Progressive Automation: 1.7.3 Mystical Agriculture: 1.4.5 Forge: Minecraft: 1.10.2

Planters have the option of supporting right-clicking plants instead of breaking and planting the seeds again. This works well with most crops I have, except for Mystical Agriculture ones, even though they themselves support right-clicking the crop manually. What I want to ask is: can you add support for Mystical Agriculture crops?

Thanks in advance

Vanhal commented 7 years ago

Yeap will do.

Vanhal commented 7 years ago

Hmmmmm... So does Mystical Agriculture actually support right clicking on it's own, I am testing it now to see if it works and I can't even manually right click it.

Otherwise the crops works perfectly, harvested and replanted.

SanAndreaP commented 7 years ago

hm, right-clicking them works for me... it might be another mod doing it, though, so... I'll try to find out which one (later, as I'm not currently on my home PC).

The reason I want the right-clicking behavior is that I have a farm in a "row"-design and the way the planter currently does things with the mystical agriculture crops is messing up the design (so I've used EnderIOs farming stations for those, planters for everything else).

Vanhal commented 7 years ago

Is it a mod pack you're using? Which one and I can take a look.

SanAndreaP commented 7 years ago

no, it's a custom mod compilation. The only mods I can think of right now adding custom behavior may be Pam's harvestcraft and Harvest Festival.

SanAndreaP commented 7 years ago

So after skimming through all mod configs, I can say that Pam's Harvestcraft does indeed allow most crops (including modded ones) to be manually harvested via right-click (it has a config option called "enableEasyHarvest")

tia79 commented 7 years ago

Its probably Actually Additions. Those crops can be right clicked to harvest