Vanhal / ProgressiveAutomation

Progressive Automation
49 stars 31 forks source link

1.12 when? #336

Closed syilphia closed 7 years ago

syilphia commented 7 years ago

the title is just a joke, i just want to ask if you have considered to update to 1.12 or just want to focus on 1.11.2 before later moving to 1.12, i love your mod (and how it has almost infinite potential) and want to use it when 1.12 stable, in fact one of the reason i still stay on 1.10.2 is your mod, so i just want to know

7934345 commented 7 years ago

The owner seems AFK for a little long time.

Vanhal commented 7 years ago

Once I've finished my current project I'll put aside some time to update to 1.11 and then onto 1.12

syilphia commented 7 years ago

thank you for the answer i'll wait patiently while playing invasion

7934345 commented 6 years ago

any plan for now? @Vanhal

TechnologicApe commented 6 years ago

Any Updates?

7934345 commented 6 years ago

well well well, and where a u now? @Vanhal

bonnedav commented 6 years ago

maby someone should make a fork to update? I am not a modder so i don't know how.

Psycho-Ray commented 6 years ago

I ended up losing my hard drive, and with it my forge workspace where everything worked. I'm playing minecraft again, and damn I want PA to work on 1.12, but I can't stop being lazy when it comes to my limited free time... I don't know, I might do it if I find a good list of things I should change to make PA work on 1.12 like I had found when I ported it to 1.11... But, honestly, I can't find enough motivation to do that just now.

JaguarM commented 6 years ago

PA is the only mod that can use custom tools with the auto miner. I really need that for a upcomming modpack.