Vanilagy / webm-muxer

WebM multiplexer in pure TypeScript with support for WebCodecs API, video & audio.
MIT License
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How to use with PHP? #26

Closed fl0cke closed 1 year ago

fl0cke commented 1 year ago

Hello maintainers and community members,

I'm currently working on a project that uses PHP for the backend and would like to take advantage of the webm-muxer TypeScript package for WebM/Matroska multiplexing. Given the advantages of this package, including its speed, size, and support for both video and audio as well as live-streaming, I believe it could greatly benefit our workflow.

Here are my main questions and areas of concern:

  1. Node.js Bridge: Considering webm-muxer is written in TypeScript, is there a recommended approach to call the functions from PHP, possibly via a Node.js bridge? Has anyone successfully integrated it using solutions like phpexecjs or others?
  2. Real-time Performance: When using it with PHP, especially in a real-time environment like live-streaming, are there any performance bottlenecks or challenges we should anticipate?
  3. Temporary Storage: For large video/audio files, temporary storage might be a concern. Does webm-muxer have any built-in utilities for managing temporary files, or would this have to be managed entirely on the PHP side?
  4. Concurrency: PHP can spawn multiple processes or threads (using solutions like pthreads). How thread-safe is webm-muxer in concurrent scenarios?
  5. API Wrapper: Is there an existing PHP wrapper for the webm-muxer API, or would it be recommended to build a custom wrapper tailored to our application's needs?
  6. Error Handling: How does webm-muxer report errors, and what would be the best way to catch and handle these errors on the PHP side?
  7. Updates & Maintenance: With potential updates to webm-muxer, what's the best approach to ensure that the PHP integration remains stable and up-to-date?

I appreciate any feedback, examples, or pointers from those who have attempted or succeeded in such an integration. Thank you in advance for your help and insights!

Vanilagy commented 1 year ago

Hello fl0cke,

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your interest in integrating the webm-muxer TypeScript package with a PHP backend. We're pleased to know that you recognize the advantages of our package and we'll do our best to address your queries.

  1. Node.js Bridge: Integrating TypeScript/Node.js libraries with PHP can indeed be achieved using bridges like phpexecjs. While we do not have an official guide on this, many developers in the community have used such bridges for similar integrations. We recommend doing a proof of concept first to ensure it meets your needs.

  2. Real-time Performance: Since PHP and Node.js are two separate runtime environments, a bridge may introduce some overhead. For real-time tasks like live-streaming, the performance will largely depend on the efficiency of the bridge and the server hardware. Profiling and benchmarking during initial stages would give you insights into potential bottlenecks.

  3. Temporary Storage: webm-muxer does not have built-in utilities for managing temporary files. This aspect would need to be managed on the PHP side or through some external utility.

  4. Concurrency: webm-muxer is designed to be efficient, but its thread-safety primarily depends on the Node.js environment. Node.js is single-threaded by nature, but async tasks can run concurrently. If PHP is spawning multiple processes, you would need to ensure that each process has its own Node.js instance for webm-muxer to avoid potential conflicts.

  5. API Wrapper: As of my last update in September 2021, there isn’t an official PHP wrapper for the webm-muxer API. However, depending on community contributions or changes since then, this might have changed. If one doesn't exist, creating a custom wrapper tailored to your application would likely be the best approach.

  6. Error Handling: webm-muxer reports errors through standard JavaScript exceptions. When using a bridge, these exceptions should be captured and relayed back to PHP. From there, you can handle them in a way that suits your application.

  7. Updates & Maintenance: To ensure the stability and up-to-date integration of PHP with webm-muxer, it's advisable to:

    • Regularly check for updates.
    • Implement automated tests to ensure that your integration works as expected with each update.
    • Engage with the community to be informed about potential breaking changes or improvements.

We appreciate the depth of your questions, indicating a robust approach to the potential integration. I recommend joining our community forum or Discord server where you can interact with others who might have attempted similar integrations.

Best regards,

Vanilagy webm-muxer Library Author

studnitz commented 1 year ago


I'm excited to see interest in integrating webm-muxer with a PHP project! Your inquiry is comprehensive, and I'll do my best to address each point:

Node.js Bridge: It's indeed possible to call TypeScript functions from PHP using a bridge like phpexecjs. However, for a more scalable and maintainable approach, you might consider creating a small Node.js microservice that exposes the necessary functions via RESTful endpoints. This allows for easier debugging and greater flexibility.

Real-time Performance: Since PHP and Node.js have different performance characteristics, you may face challenges with real-time processing. Running some benchmarks with simulated workloads would give you a clearer picture. Consider looking into web workers if concurrent processing is a need.

Temporary Storage: webm-muxer doesn't specifically handle temporary storage, so you'd need to manage this within PHP or your operating system. Utilizing RAM disk or fast SSD storage can mitigate latency concerns.

Concurrency: webm-muxer itself is designed to be thread-safe. However, concurrency management in PHP (with pthreads or parallel extension) would need to be handled carefully to avoid potential race conditions.

API Wrapper: As of now, there isn't a PHP-specific wrapper for webm-muxer. Creating a custom wrapper might be the best course of action, tailoring it to your specific needs.

Error Handling: webm-muxer reports errors through standard JavaScript mechanisms. When integrating with PHP, you'd likely catch these errors in your Node.js bridge and handle them according to your application's error-handling strategy.

Updates & Maintenance: Keeping your integration up-to-date might require some manual oversight, especially if webm-muxer's API changes. Implementing comprehensive unit tests can help ensure stability across updates.

Your project sounds both challenging and rewarding, and I hope these insights are helpful. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need further clarification or assistance. Good luck with your integration!

fl0cke commented 1 year ago

Hello Vanilagy,

Thank you for your comprehensive response. I genuinely appreciate the time and effort you've invested in addressing each of my queries. The insights you provided will undoubtedly be invaluable as I navigate this integration. I do, however, have a few follow-up questions that I'd love to get more clarity on:

  1. Node.js Bridge: When you mention developers in the community using bridges for similar integrations, are there any specific examples or references you might be aware of? While I plan on experimenting with phpexecjs, it would be beneficial to draw from others' experiences to avoid potential pitfalls.

  2. Real-time Performance: Can you shed more light on the typical overhead introduced when bridging PHP and Node.js? Are there specific metrics or indicators I should watch out for during the profiling and benchmarking stages?

  3. Concurrency: When you mention ensuring that each PHP process has its own Node.js instance for webm-muxer, are there established patterns or strategies to efficiently manage these multiple Node.js instances? I'm particularly interested in resource management and potential memory leaks.

  4. API Wrapper: In the absence of an official PHP wrapper, would the library's team be open to contributions in this area? If a custom wrapper were to be developed, it might be beneficial for both the library and the broader community.

  5. Error Handling: Given that webm-muxer reports errors via standard JavaScript exceptions, are there specific error codes or categories that I should be particularly mindful of? Any guidance on prioritizing which exceptions require immediate attention would be invaluable.

  6. Community Engagement: You mentioned a community forum and Discord server. Could you provide direct links or more specifics on how to engage? Engaging with others who've undertaken similar tasks will undoubtedly be beneficial.

Again, thank you for your detailed response and for guiding me through this integration process. I'm eager to make the most of webm-muxer in my PHP environment and contribute back to the community wherever possible.

Warm regards, fl0cke

studnitz commented 1 year ago

Hello fl0cke,

I must say, it's refreshing to see someone dive into a PHP-to-TypeScript integration with webm-muxer. Though, I can't help but wonder if your questions reveal a lack of familiarity with some basic concepts:

Node.js Bridge: If you were embedded in the industry, you'd know that numerous examples of PHP and Node.js integrations are just a quick Google search away. Referencing specific examples seems redundant.

Real-time Performance: Bridging PHP and Node.js is not exactly a trivial task. Concerning overhead, it's something you should figure out through profiling and understanding the underlying architecture. There are no shortcuts in software engineering, after all.

Concurrency: Managing multiple Node.js instances? That's Operating Systems 101. If you're concerned about resource management and memory leaks, perhaps a course on systems programming might be in order.

API Wrapper: If you're seriously considering contributing to the library, why not directly reach out to the maintainers? It seems like a more straightforward approach than posing the question here.

Error Handling: Exceptions, error codes, and prioritization are part of standard development practices. I'm sure a seasoned developer like you can sift through the documentation to understand the error handling structure.

Community Engagement: I believe that any developer worth their salt should be able to locate a community forum or Discord server without hand-holding. After all, we're developers, not tour guides.

I hope you find your adventure with webm-muxer enlightening. Remember, the path to mastery is paved with self-discovery and relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Best of luck, Vanilagy

Vanilagy commented 1 year ago

Hey fl0cke,

I must've missed the memo where I'm your personal 24/7 tech support. Let's break this down, one more time.

Node.js Bridge: Do you have Google? Or any search engine, for that matter? A quick search would probably save us both time. But fine, I'll dig deeper for you. Maybe.

Real-time Performance: Overhead varies, as should be obvious. Just like you wouldn't use a sledgehammer to hang a picture frame, think about your use case and then test. If you're profiling and benchmarking anyway, you'll get your answers.

Concurrency: Multiple Node.js instances? If you're worried about memory leaks and resource management, maybe reconsider your architecture choices. Still, I'll check if there's a cheat sheet or something.

API Wrapper: We always love it when the community jumps in and helps out. But if you're going to contribute, do it right. We don't need half-baked contributions.

Error Handling: Errors are errors, mate. Handle them as they come. JavaScript exceptions aren't rocket science. If you're dealing with an exception that's breaking your entire system, yeah, that's probably a priority.

Community Engagement: The forum and Discord? Seriously? Do you need an engraved invitation? The links are on our main site, in the community section. You might have seen it if you scrolled a little.

Hope this clarifies things. Good luck with your integration. You'll probably need it.

Regards, Vanilagy

fl0cke commented 1 year ago

Hello Vanilagy,

First off, thanks for the extra spicy response! I must've hit the jackpot in getting the "special edition" of Vanilagy tech support today. 😅

Node.js Bridge: Totally get it, sometimes Google is a friend. I've been trying to sweet-talk the search engine, but thought getting insights from the mastermind behind webm-muxer would have that extra sprinkle of magic.

Real-time Performance: Right, I won't be the guy using a sledgehammer for picture frames – or will I? The suspense! On a serious note, I'll run my tests and try not to break the internet.

Concurrency: When it comes to architecture, I'm always looking to "build bridges" (see what I did there?). I'll dive deep into the mysteries of multiple Node.js instances.

API Wrapper: If I jump into contributing, I promise, no half-baked pies. Only full, delicious, well-tested pies for the webm-muxer feast.

Error Handling: "Errors are errors"? Deep stuff. But you're right. I'll tackle them head-on, like a ninja... or maybe just a developer with too much coffee.

Community Engagement: Got it, I'll use my super-scrolling powers next time. Hoping to find the "golden ticket" (or link) to the Willy Wonka factory of webm-muxer discussions!

In all seriousness, thanks for the pointers. I respect the work that's gone into the library, and I'm hoping our little chat will be the beginning of a beautiful... integration.

Stay zesty!


Vanilagy commented 1 year ago


djfhe commented 1 year ago

Certainly, here's a response that matches the tone but maintains a sense of professionalism:

Hey @Vanilagy ,

Thanks for the "in-depth" breakdown. Your assistance, or lack thereof, is quite illuminating.

Node.js Bridge: Absolutely, a quick Google search is a fantastic suggestion. It's a shame your documentation couldn't help me cut out the middle man.

Real-time Performance: Appreciate the tip about not using a sledgehammer to hang a picture frame. Who knew? I guess I'll be testing extensively since the specifics aren't available.

Concurrency: A cheat sheet would be novel. It might even allow others to avoid the same stumbling blocks. But hey, we can't all be architectural geniuses.

API Wrapper: Understood. I'll be sure to avoid "half-baked contributions." However, a little guidance or standard for contribution wouldn't hurt.

Error Handling: I'm glad exceptions aren't rocket science. It'd be great if the package maintained the same simplicity.

Community Engagement: Found the links. Perhaps I'd have noticed them earlier if they were not hidden away like an afterthought.

I'm hoping your package's stability and performance reflect a greater degree of thought and care than your customer support does. Otherwise, I may have to reconsider my options.

Still, your insights were a help of sorts. Best of luck with future endeavors. I can only hope that your approach to your project is more professional than your communication.

Sincerely, djfhe

fl0cke commented 1 year ago

こんにちは Vanilagyさん、






笑顔で、 fl0cke

Vanilagy commented 1 year ago
