Vanilla-Expanded / VanillaExpandedFramework

Vanilla Expanded Framework for RimWorld
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Body/Head Scale Factor #104

Open TurtleShroom opened 3 weeks ago

TurtleShroom commented 3 weeks ago

Good evening.

I am updating one of my Mods to V1.5 , and one error I am, now getting concerns the Gene Mod Extensions.

`Exception parsing <bodyScaleFactor>(0.981,2.5)</bodyScaleFactor> to type System.Nullable`1[System.Single]: 
System.ArgumentException: Exception parsing System.Single from "(0.981,2.5)" ---> System.FormatException:
 Input string was not in a correct format.`

I searched your documentation, but got nothing but a verbatim copy and paste in cryptic C-Sharp. What actually changed?

This is the code I am using:

    <modExtensions MayRequire="ludeon.rimworld.biotech">
        <li Class="VanillaGenesExpanded.GeneExtension" MayRequire="ludeon.rimworld.biotech">

Thank you for any assistance you may render.

Warm regards, -TURTLESHROOM

juanosarg commented 3 weeks ago

We forgot to document the change! It is handled via a stat now. See the example in Hussars:

TurtleShroom commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much!

TurtleShroom commented 3 weeks ago

We forgot to document the change! It is handled via a stat now. See the example in Hussars.

How do I make them taller, but not wider? I have a Gene that makes those who have it very lanky, but also very tall. The only code I see here appears to be something that scales a Pawn's width AND height at the same time.

juanosarg commented 3 weeks ago

I don't think that functionality is there anymore, as it caused problems with heads, iirc