Vanilla-OS / apx

Apx (/à·peks/) is the default package manager in Vanilla OS. It is a wrapper around multiple package managers to install packages and run commands inside a managed container.
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Unable to run custom commands inside of sub systems with Orchid. #383

Open 103sbavert opened 4 months ago

103sbavert commented 4 months ago

When I run apx <subsystem> run <command> {--flags}, it doesn't seem to parse the flags correctly and using quotes, double or single, doesn't help at all.

In particular, while trying to install yay through makepkg -si by running apx Arch run makepkg -si inside of the yay folder (cloned from AUR), it tells me -si are invalid because it thinks they're flags for apx itself and not for makepkg.

taukakao commented 4 months ago

Try: apx <subsystem> run -- <command> {--flags}

"--" tells apx to ignore all additional flags

103sbavert commented 4 months ago

I've removed VanillaOS for the time being. If you want you can close this issue or keep it open until the parsing is fixed.