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Japanese language install broken #68

Open unchartedpopsicle opened 1 year ago

unchartedpopsicle commented 1 year ago

Issue Description

Yep, another language installer issue :) Installing Japanese through the Gnome settings language manager, "Mozc Setup" is also installed, which throws a decent few errors and is not removed if you remove japanese again.

To get rid of it you have to remove several packages (ibus-mozc mozc-data mozc-server mozc-utils-gui) through ABRoot.

The errors I get are "Failed to get current config values" and "Cannot start conversion engine. Please restart your computer." when opening Mozc Setup. "Failed to update config" when trying to change settings, and "Execution of "gkbd-keyboard-display" failed: Command not found" when trying to show keyboard layout through its tray icon.

Steps to Reproduce

Install Japanese language through gnome-language-selector Reboot Open Mozc Setup

On what version of Vanilla OS this happens?


Additional Information

No response

nonetrix commented 1 year ago

Same issue when I tried to install it

azu0609 commented 1 year ago

Same issue on vm, used r7.5 iso

nonetrix commented 1 year ago

Wasn't there a guide someone wrote here to fix it? I swear it was here a second ago, did they delete their comment or something? I assume it's out of date in that case I guess? Anyway I just reinstalled thinking I could just follow that guide, I guess I will just go back to using the browser extension which is a decent work around anyway for now

unchartedpopsicle commented 1 year ago

@nonetrix yep, @azu0609 seems to have deleted this:

OK, i managed to working by install fcitx to container using:

Enter container with apx enter
In container, run 'sudo apt install fcitx5-mozc libcanberra-gtk*'
Exit container, then run apx export fcitx5 to export
Add to startup using: cp ~/.local/share/applications/apx_managed-org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
Add "kimpanel" extensions using extensions manager and reboot
Congratulation! fcitx5-mozc is now working on Vanilla OS!

along with a screenshot which I won't share, in case there was something in it that made them delete the comment. I've not tested the fix myself. @azu0609, hope it's alright that I reposted this.

azu0609 commented 1 year ago

@unchartedpopsicle Thanks for posting! I accidentally deleted comment and forgot comment body :(

nonetrix commented 1 year ago

Kinda works couldn't get it to type anything but it shows up

azu0609 commented 1 year ago

Do you added the mozc in fcitx settings? i forgot to add this into guide

nonetrix commented 1 year ago

I did but seems to only work in gnome shell search, I think this honestly is more due to some environment variable not being set or whatever I will try this later sorry

bayazidbh commented 1 year ago

I'm not currently using vanilla, but so far I managed to make fcitx5-mozc work with home-manager:

Enabling fcitx5-mozc via home-manager

``` { config, pkgs, ... }: { home.packages = with pkgs; [ fcitx5-gtk libsForQt5.fcitx5-qt # ... ]; # enable fcitx5 as input method, with mozc for Japanese IME i18n.inputMethod = { enabled = "fcitx5"; fcitx5.addons = with pkgs; [ fcitx5-mozc ]; } ```

Note that I also have home-manager install bash/zsh and manage my .profile/.bashrc/.zshrc:

Enabling shell management in home-manager

``` { config, pkgs, ... }: { # allows home-manager to manage bash programs.bash = { enable = true; enableCompletion = true; }; # allows home-manager to manage zsh, with plugins, and oh-my-zsh management programs.zsh = { enable = true; autocd = true; history.expireDuplicatesFirst = true; historySubstringSearch.enable = true; enableAutosuggestions = true; enableCompletion = true; enableSyntaxHighlighting = true; initExtra = "[[ ! -f $HOME/.p10k.zsh ]] || source $HOME/.p10k.zsh"; oh-my-zsh = { enable = true; custom = "$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins"; plugins = [ "git" "zsh-autosuggestions" "zsh-history-substring-search" "zsh-syntax-highlighting" ]; theme = "powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"; }; }; } ```


VirtuousCrane commented 11 months ago

As of August, 2023, this is what I did to get fcitx5-mozc to work:

First, do everything according to this comment:

@nonetrix yep, @azu0609 seems to have deleted this:

OK, i managed to working by install fcitx to container using:

Enter container with apx enter
In container, run 'sudo apt install fcitx5-mozc libcanberra-gtk*'
Exit container, then run apx export fcitx5 to export
Add to startup using: cp ~/.local/share/applications/apx_managed-org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
Add "kimpanel" extensions using extensions manager and reboot
Congratulation! fcitx5-mozc is now working on Vanilla OS!

along with a screenshot which I won't share, in case there was something in it that made them delete the comment. I've not tested the fix myself. @azu0609, hope it's alright that I reposted this.

Then, open up the "Fcitx 5 Configuration" application and add "Mozc" to your "current input method" column. Apply the settings, then press Ok.

By this point, you should now be able to type in Japanese on your default GNOME applications (switch input method via Ctrl + Space). However, you will still not be able to type in Japanese in third-party applications, such as firefox.

To enable fcitx5-mozc in third-party applications, open your ".profile" file in your home directory and append these lines to the end of the file:



Reboot your device. It should now work in all applications.

nonetrix commented 9 months ago

Should be included by default imo or easy to install, Fedora already has it installed. Maybe for Vanilla OS Orchid 2?