VanshKing30 / FoodiesWeb

GssoC'24 Project | Open To Contributers
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Feat: Dynamic Mode Toggle: Seamlessly Switch Between Dark and Light Themes #148

Open thevijayshankersharma opened 2 weeks ago

thevijayshankersharma commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the feature

Elevate user experience with our dynamic mode toggle feature, allowing users to effortlessly switch between dark and light themes according to their preference and ambient lighting conditions. With this feature, users can customize their viewing experience, whether they prefer a sleek, modern dark mode for reduced eye strain in low-light environments or a vibrant light mode for enhanced readability during the day. Our intuitive toggle seamlessly adapts the interface, ensuring consistency and comfort across all interactions. Experience versatility in design with our dynamic mode toggle, offering a personalized touch to every user's journey.

Add ScreenShots

Once I have been assigned then I will send the screenshot of foodies web app with dark mode


VanshKing30 commented 2 weeks ago

Can you send me the video or gif video of changes you can make in the ui after applying your appraoch ?

thevijayshankersharma commented 2 weeks ago

@VanshKing30 Somethig like this

Tejsvapandey1 commented 1 week ago

Can you assign me this issue

AadiJain06 commented 4 days ago

Can You Assign me this issue

thevijayshankersharma commented 1 day ago

@VanshKing30 could you give a level3 label cause it will take more time for me to make. I new to node.js environment