Vanshikapandey30 / Hacktoberfest2024

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Add Backtracking Solutions for DSA Problems in Java #30

Closed Ibrahim1249 closed 1 day ago

Ibrahim1249 commented 1 day ago

This pull request introduces Java solutions for five common backtracking problems in data structures and algorithms. Each solution includes code, input handling via console, and output display, with a focus on backtracking techniques.

Implemented Features: 1) Subset Sum Problem - Find all subsets that sum to a given target from an array of integers. 2) N-Queens Problem - Solve the N-Queens puzzle by placing queens on an NxN chessboard such that no two queens threaten each other. 3) Permutations - Generate all permutations of a given string. 4) Combination Sum - Find unique combinations of integers from an array that sum up to a target. 5) Word Search - Check if a given word exists in a 2D board by navigating the board with backtracking.