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Switch #18

Open champaksworldcreate opened 1 year ago

champaksworldcreate commented 1 year ago

Here are ten programming problems that you can solve using the switch statement in C:

  1. Write a program that takes a number as input and displays the corresponding month name using a switch statement.
  2. Create a program that prompts the user for a day of the week (e.g., 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday) and prints a message indicating whether it's a weekday or a weekend.
  3. Implement a calculator program that performs basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) based on the operator input using a switch statement.
  4. Write a program that takes a character as input and determines whether it is a vowel or a consonant using a switch statement.
  5. Create a program that converts a given letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) into a corresponding GPA value using a switch statement.
  6. Implement a menu-based program that allows the user to choose different options (e.g., add, subtract, multiply, divide) and perform the corresponding operation using a switch statement.
  7. Write a program that takes a month number (1-12) as input and prints the number of days in that month using a switch statement.
  8. Create a program that prompts the user for a shape (e.g., circle, square, triangle) and calculates the area based on the user's choice using a switch statement.
  9. Implement a program that converts a given temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa based on the user's choice using a switch statement.
  10. Write a program that takes a character as input and determines whether it is an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, digit, or special character using a switch statement.

These problems will help you practice using the switch statement in C and improve your problem-solving skills. Good luck!