Our proposal was to find a way to generate a package for the wordpress-develop provisioner, meta provisioner and wp-cli dev utility.
One solution can be:
Zip/tar.gz the folders of this provisioners from a clean instance of VVV
In a new install put those compressed file in the root or in a specific folder like addon
On vagrant provision this compressed files are decompressed in www and the config.yml is updated with them
On provisioning those files are already downloaded so is required only an update
One point about auto update the config file let us to avoid people asking to changes and be more automatic.
The question is if we want to do that in bash or inside the vagrantfile in ruby but I think that we can experiment.
Right now for https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/CD-USB-Generator we are packaging a big zip with everything and require a lot of time.
Our proposal was to find a way to generate a package for the wordpress-develop provisioner, meta provisioner and wp-cli dev utility.
One solution can be:
vagrant provision
this compressed files are decompressed inwww
and theconfig.yml
is updated with themOne point about auto update the config file let us to avoid people asking to changes and be more automatic. The question is if we want to do that in bash or inside the vagrantfile in ruby but I think that we can experiment.