Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants / VVV

An open source Vagrant configuration for developing with WordPress
MIT License
4.54k stars 848 forks source link

Unsafe repository ('/srv/provision/extensions/core' is owned by someone else) #2593

Closed Sriom closed 2 years ago

Sriom commented 2 years ago

What was The Command Used To Provision

vagrant up --provision

What Kind of VVV Provision Was This

This was a reprovision of an already working VVV

Logs/What Broke

default: fatal: unsafe repository ('/srv/provision/extensions/core' is owned by someone else)
default: To add an exception for this directory, call:
default:    git config --global --add /srv/provision/extensions/core
default:  ! The 'extension-source-core' provisioner ran into problems, the full log is available at '/var/log/provisioners/2022.04.13_11-26-23/provisioner-extension-source-core.log'. It completed in 0 seconds.

The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what went wrong.


# This file is a YAML formatted file. YAML indenting is done in spaces not
# tabs, and whitespace is significant. If you don't stick to this, it will
# fail on provision

# IMPORTANT, if you change this file, you have to reprovision,  no exceptions
# Do this by running either this command:
# vagrant reload --provision

# Or, if your machine is already turned on:
# vagrant provision

# These are your websites, and their names map on to the folders they're
# located in. See the docs for how to define these, and what all the keys
# and options are

  # latest version of WordPress, can be used for client work and testing
  # Check the readme at
    skip_provisioning: true
    description: "A standard WP install, useful for building plugins, testing things, etc"
      - one.wordpress.test
        WP_DEBUG: true
        WP_DEBUG_LOG: true
        WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER: true # To disable in WP 5.2 the FER mode

    skip_provisioning: true
    description: "A standard WP install, useful for building plugins, testing things, etc"
      # locale: it_IT
      delete_default_plugins: true
        - query-monitor
      - two.wordpress.test

    skip_provisioning: true
    description: "Wordpress default install"
      # locale: it_IT
      delete_default_plugins: true

      - wpcore.test

    skip_provisioning: false
    description: "Wordpress default install"
      # locale: it_IT
      delete_default_plugins: true

      - wpcore-bs.test

  # The following commented out site configuration will create a standard WordPress
  # site in www/example-site/ available at http://mysite.test.
  # Remember, whitespace is significant! Tabs and spaces mean different things
  #  description: "My website"
  #  repo:
  #  hosts:
  #    - mysite.test

  # The wordpress-develop configuration is useful for contributing to WordPress Core.
  # It uses the built WP to serve the site
    skip_provisioning: true # provisioning this one takes longer, so it's disabled by default
    description: "An svn based WP Core trunk dev setup, useful for contributor days, Trac tickets, patches"
      - trunk.wordpress.test

  # The following commented out site configuration will create a environment useful
  # for contributions to the WordPress meta team, .e.g WordCamps, .org, etc:
    skip_provisioning: true # disabled by default, this takes a long time to provision
    description: "An environment useful for contributions to the WordPress meta team."
      - wp-meta.test
        "buddypressorg.test": true
        "jobs.wordpressnet.test": true
        "wordcamp.test": true
        "wordpressorg.test": true
        "wordpresstv.test": true

  # The following commented out site configuration will create a standard WordPress
  # site in www/example-site/ available at http://my-example-site.test.
  # Remember, whitespace is significant! Tabs and spaces mean different things
  #  repo:
  #  hosts:
  #    - my-example-site.test

# Utilities
# are system level items that aren't websites, that install tools or packages
# the core utilities install tools such as phpmyadmin
  core: # The core VVV utility
    - tls-ca # HTTPS SSL/TLS certificates
    - phpmyadmin # Web based database client
    #- memcached-admin # Object cache management
    #- opcache-status # opcache management
    #- webgrind # PHP Debugging
    #- mongodb # needed for Tideways/XHGui
    #- tideways # PHP profiling tool, also installs xhgui check
    #- nvm # Node Version Manager
    #- php56
    #- php70
    #- php71
    #- php72
    #- php73
    #- php74

# vm_config controls how Vagrant provisions the virtual machine, and can be used to
# increase the memory given to VVV and the number of CPU cores.
# It can also be used to override the default provider being used within Vagrant.

  # For WP core development we recommend at least 2GB ( 2048 ),
  # If you have 4GB of RAM, lower this to 768MB or you may encounter issues
  memory: 12000
  # CPU cores:
  cores: 4

  # this tells VVV to use the prebuilt box copied from the USB drive at contributor days
  # once set to false, do not change back to true, and reprovision
  # wordcamp_contributor_day_box: false

  # Due to a limitation within Vagrant, the specified provider is only respected on a clean `vagrant up`
  # as Vagrant currently restricts you to one provider per machine
  # provider: virtualbox
  # provider: hyperv
  # provider: parallels
  # provider: vmware_desktop

# General VVV options
  # Backup the databases to the database/backups subfolder on halt/suspend/destroy, set to false to disable
  db_backup: true
  # Import the databases if they're missing from backups
  db_restore: true
  # set to true to use a synced shared folder for MariaDB database storage
  db_share_type: false
  # GitHub token to use from composer
  #github_token: xxxxxx

# Settings for the vagrant plugins supported by VVV
  disksize: 60GB # requires the disk size vagrant plugin

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

vagrant up --provision

Your Environment

\ V\ V\ V / v3.8.1 Path:"/Users/steve/Sites/vvv-wp" _/_/_/ git::stable(8252690)

Platform: darwin19 shell:/bin/zsh vagrant-goodhosts shared_db_folder_disabled Vagrant: v2.2.19, virtualbox: v6.1.32

welcome[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template and include your OS/Vagrant/VVV versions! Don't forget you can get support in the VVV slack at

VVV Slack Workspace
Join the VVV Slack Workspace
Mte90 commented 2 years ago

This is an issue of the latest Git version that now don't let you to be used in a directory that is owned by someone else: We should use this parameter to add in a whitelist

Stack Overflow
Cannot add parent directory to on git
After updating git to I'm getting the following error: fatal: unsafe repository ('F:/GitHub/my-project' is owned by someone else) To add an exception for this directory, call: ...
tomjn commented 2 years ago

we can adjust the parameters, we can also try to create the folder and set its ownership so that when using noroot the problem doesn't occur. This probably means we need to expedite a release though, and it will probably impact site templates too

Mte90 commented 2 years ago

The issue is happening also on our CI

MariaDB APT fix · Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV@15100f0
An open source Vagrant configuration for developing with WordPress - MariaDB APT fix · Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV@15100f0
tomjn commented 2 years ago

@Sriom can you test the Mte90/fix-git branch?

git checkout Mte90/fix-git
vagrant up --provision
annalinneajohansson commented 2 years ago

@tomjn I had the exact issue reported, checkout to Mte90/fix-git solved it.

Mte90 commented 2 years ago

I am working on fixing also for the various extensions and templates :-)

davepullig commented 2 years ago

That's fixed the problem as reported, but it's also occurring for the opcache-status provisioner too (and perhaps others, waiting on another reprovision without that):

==> default: Running provisioner: extension-core-opcache-status (shell)...
    default: Running: /var/folders/rk/8lyzpk2n3xn53wzm7tgjklrh0000gn/T/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'extension-core-opcache-status' provisioner...
    default: fatal: unsafe repository ('/srv/www/default/opcache-status' is owned by someone else)
    default: To add an exception for this directory, call:
    default:    git config --global --add /srv/www/default/opcache-status
    default:  ! The 'extension-core-opcache-status' provisioner ran into problems, the full log is available at '/var/log/provisioners/2022.04.13_13-13-18/provisioner-extension-core-opcache-status.log'. It completed in 0 seconds.
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
Mte90 commented 2 years ago

I already fixed for opcache we need to approve that PR to move on the other one.

tomjn commented 2 years ago

@davepullig @Sriom @annalinneajohansson PR's for extensions and core got merged, can you confirm if this is good at your end after a git pull on develop?

git checkout develop
git pull
vagrant up --provision
Mte90 commented 2 years ago

I am still doing some tests as we are using git a lot...

Mte90 commented 2 years ago

yeah there is still a tiny issue on VVV and probably one in utilities

annalinneajohansson commented 2 years ago

@tomjn works as expected fort me. :+1: :partying_face:

anna@predator:~/VVV$ git checkout develop 

Switched to branch 'develop'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'.
anna@predator:~/VVV$ git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 21, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done.
remote: Total 21 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (21/21), 27.17 KiB | 1.36 MiB/s, done.
   c223b80..cc0bef1  develop       -> origin/develop
 * [new branch]      Mte90-patch-1 -> origin/Mte90-patch-1
   173b376..d2a78fc  Mte90/fix-git -> origin/Mte90/fix-git
 * [new branch]      release/3.9.1 -> origin/release/3.9.1
Updating c223b80..cc0bef1
Fast-forward                            | 1 +
 provision/core/node-nvm/    | 6 +++---
 provision/ | 9 +++++----
 provision/             | 2 +-
 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
anna@predator:~/VVV$ vagrant up --provision
__ __ __ __
\ V\ V\ V / v3.9.0 Path:"/home/anna/VVV"
 \_/\_/\_/  git::develop(cc0bef1)

Platform: linux-gnu shell:/bin/bash systemd  vagrant-goodhosts CaseSensitiveFS shared_db_folder_disabled
Vagrant: v2.2.6, virtualbox: v6.1.32

Dashboard:  http://vvv.test

Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    default: Adapter 1: nat
    default: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> default: [vagrant-goodhosts] - found entry for: vvv.test
==> default: [vagrant-goodhosts] - found entry for: posturalyoga.test
==> default: [vagrant-goodhosts] - found entry for: posturalyoga.localsite
==> default: [vagrant-goodhosts] - found entry for: posturalyoga2.test
==> default: [vagrant-goodhosts] - found entry for: posturalyoga2.localsite
==> default: [vagrant-goodhosts] Checking for host entries
==> default: [vagrant-goodhosts] Finished processing
==> default: Setting hostname...
==> default: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> default: Mounting shared folders...
    default: /srv/www => /home/anna/VVV/www
    default: /srv/config => /home/anna/VVV/config
    default: /var/log/php => /home/anna/VVV/log/php
    default: /srv/database => /home/anna/VVV/database/sql
    default: /srv/provision => /home/anna/VVV/provision
    default: /var/log/nginx => /home/anna/VVV/log/nginx
    default: /srv/certificates => /home/anna/VVV/certificates
    default: /var/log/memcached => /home/anna/VVV/log/memcached
    default: /var/log/provisioners => /home/anna/VVV/log/provisioners
==> default: Running provisioner: file...
    default: /home/anna/VVV/version => /home/vagrant/version
==> default: Running provisioner: pre-provision-script (shell)...
    default: Running: inline script
    default:     ▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▄    ▄   ▄    A full provision will take a bit.
    default:     █▒▒░░░░░░░░░▒▒█   █   █     Sit back, relax, and have some tea.
    default:      █░░█░░░░░█░░█   ▀   ▀      
    default:   ▄▄  █░░░▀█▀░░░█   █▀▀▀▀▀▀█    If you didn't want to provision you can
    default:  █░░█ ▀▄░░░░░░░▄▀▄▀▀█      █    turn VVV on with 'vagrant up'.
    default: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
==> default: Running provisioner: default (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  * Syncing clocks
    default: 13 Apr 13:49:39 ntpdate[3228]: adjust time server offset 0.000739 sec
    default:  * clocks synced
    default:  ▷ Running the 'main' provisioner...
    default:  ▷ Running init hook
    default:  * Bash profile setup and directories.
    default:  * Setting ownership of files in /home/vagrant to vagrant
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/env/homedir/.bash_profile                      to /home/vagrant/.bash_profile
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/env/homedir/.bash_aliases                      to /home/vagrant/.bash_aliases
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/env/homedir/.bash_aliases                      to /root/.bash_aliases
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/env/homedir/.vimrc                             to /home/vagrant/.vimrc
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/env/homedir/.subversion/subversion-servers     to /home/vagrant/.subversion/servers
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/env/homedir/.subversion/subversion-config      to /home/vagrant/.subversion/config
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/env/ssh/ssh_known_hosts                        to /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/env/ssh/sshd_config                            to /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    default:  * Reloading SSH Daemon
    default:  * checking Ubuntu version
    default:  ✔ Finished init hook in 2s
    default:  * Testing network connection to with wget -q --spider --timeout=5 --tries=3
    default:  * Successful Network connection to detected
    default:  * Testing network connection to with wget -q --spider --timeout=5 --tries=3
    default:  * Successful Network connection to detected
    default:  * Testing network connection to with wget -q --spider --timeout=5 --tries=3
    default:  * Successful Network connection to detected
    default:  * Testing network connection to with wget -q --spider --timeout=5 --tries=3
    default:  * Successful Network connection to detected
    default:  * Testing network connection to with wget -q --spider --timeout=5 --tries=3
    default:  * Successful Network connection to detected
    default:  * Testing network connection to with wget -q --spider --timeout=5 --tries=3
    default:  * Successful Network connection to detected
    default:  * Testing network connection to with wget -q --spider --timeout=5 --tries=3
    default:  * Successful Network connection to detected
    default:  * Network checks succeeded
    default:  * Apt package install pre-checks
    default:  ▷ Running before_packages hook
    default:  * Setting up MySQL configuration file links...
    default:  * mysql group exists
    default:  * mysql user present and has uid 9001
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/mariadb/config/vvv-core.cnf to /etc/mysql/conf.d/vvv-core.cnf
    default:  * Copying PHP configs
    default:  * Checking supplementary PHP configs
    default:  ✔ Finished before_packages hook in 1s
    default:  * Registering apt keys
    default:  ▷ Running register_apt_keys hook
    default:  ✔ Finished register_apt_keys hook in 0s
    default:  * Registering apt sources
    default:  ▷ Running register_apt_sources hook
    default:  * git-core/ppa already present, skipping
    default:  * installing MariaDB apt sources
    default:  ✔ Finished register_apt_sources hook in 0s
    default:  * Upgrading apt packages
    default:  * Updating apt keys
    default: gpg: key 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32: 3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
    default: gpg: key 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32: "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key (2012) <>" not changed
    default: gpg: key D94AA3F0EFE21092: 3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
    default: gpg: key D94AA3F0EFE21092: "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <>" not changed
    default: gpg: key 871920D1991BC93C: 1 signature not checked due to a missing key
    default: gpg: key 871920D1991BC93C: "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key (2018) <>" not changed
    default: gpg: Total number processed: 3
    default: gpg:              unchanged: 3
    default:  * Running apt-get update...
    default: Get:1 focal InRelease [23.8 kB]
    default: Get:2 focal InRelease [265 kB]
    default: Get:3 focal InRelease [7,767 B]
    default: Get:4 focal InRelease [3,596 B]
    default: Get:5 focal InRelease [23.9 kB]
    default: Get:6 focal/main amd64 Packages [3,016 B]
    default: Get:7 focal/main Translation-en [2,252 B]
    default: Get:8 focal/nginx Sources [30.6 kB]
    default: Get:9 focal/nginx amd64 Packages [39.4 kB]
    default: Get:10 focal/main Sources [30.9 kB]
    default: Get:11 focal/main Sources [1,845 B]
    default: Get:12 focal/main amd64 Packages [101 kB]
    default: Get:13 focal-updates InRelease [114 kB]
    default: Get:15 focal/main Translation-en [33.6 kB]
    default: Get:16 focal-backports InRelease [108 kB]
    default: Get:17 focal/main amd64 Packages [17.3 kB]
    default: Get:18 focal-security InRelease [114 kB]
    default: Get:14 focal InRelease [24.4 kB]
    default: Get:19 focal/main amd64 Packages [970 kB]
    default: Get:20 focal/main ppc64el Packages [16.6 kB]
    default: Get:21 focal/main Translation-en [506 kB]
    default: Get:22 focal/restricted amd64 Packages [22.0 kB]
    default: Get:23 focal/main s390x Packages [15.1 kB]
    default: Get:24 focal/restricted Translation-en [6,212 B]
    default: Get:25 focal/universe amd64 Packages [8,628 kB]
    default: Get:27 focal/main arm64 Packages [16.6 kB]
    default: Get:28 focal/universe Translation-en [5,124 kB]
    default: Get:26 focal/main amd64 Packages [2,591 B]
    default: Get:29 focal/multiverse amd64 Packages [144 kB]
    default: Get:30 focal/multiverse Translation-en [104 kB]
    default: Get:31 focal-updates/main amd64 Packages [1,712 kB]
    default: Get:32 focal-updates/main Translation-en [320 kB]
    default: Get:33 focal-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [917 kB]
    default: Get:34 focal-updates/restricted Translation-en [131 kB]
    default: Get:35 focal-updates/universe amd64 Packages [918 kB]
    default: Get:36 focal-updates/universe Translation-en [205 kB]
    default: Get:37 focal-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [24.4 kB]
    default: Get:38 focal-updates/multiverse Translation-en [7,336 B]
    default: Get:39 focal-backports/main amd64 Packages [42.2 kB]
    default: Get:40 focal-backports/main Translation-en [10.1 kB]
    default: Get:41 focal-backports/universe amd64 Packages [22.7 kB]
    default: Get:42 focal-backports/universe Translation-en [15.5 kB]
    default: Get:43 focal-security/main amd64 Packages [1,384 kB]
    default: Get:44 focal-security/main Translation-en [240 kB]
    default: Get:45 focal-security/restricted amd64 Packages [859 kB]
    default: Get:46 focal-security/restricted Translation-en [122 kB]
    default: Get:47 focal-security/universe amd64 Packages [698 kB]
    default: Get:48 focal-security/universe Translation-en [123 kB]
    default: Get:49 focal-security/multiverse amd64 Packages [20.7 kB]
    default: Get:50 focal-security/multiverse Translation-en [5,196 B]
    default: Fetched 24.3 MB in 5s (4,486 kB/s)
    default: Reading package lists...
    default: Reading package lists...
    default: Building dependency tree...
    default: Reading state information...
    default: Calculating upgrade...
    default: The following packages have been kept back:
    default:   fwupd linux-image-generic
    default: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
    default:  * Registering apt packages to install
    default:  ▷ Running register_apt_packages hook
    default:  ✔ Finished register_apt_packages hook in 0s
    default:  * Main packages check and install.
    default:  * Checking for apt packages to remove.
    default:  * No apt packages to remove
    default:  * Checking for apt packages to install.
    default:  * No apt packages to install
    default:  * Running after_packages
    default:  ▷ Running after_packages hook
    default: false
    default:  * Adding Mailhog service file
    default:  * Enabling MailHog Service
    default:  * Starting MailHog Service
    default:  * Checking for NVM
    default:  ✓ NVM is already installed, checking for updates
    default: HEAD is now at 9600617 v0.39.1
    default: /home/vagrant
    default:  - Loading nvm
    default:  - nvm loaded
    default:  - Installing Node 14 via nvm
    default: v14.19.1 is already installed.
    default: Now using node v14.19.1 (npm v6.14.16)
    default: Now using node v14.19.1 (npm v6.14.16)
    default:  - Ensuring vagrant user owns its own nvm folder
    default:  - NVM setup completed
    default:  * Setting up database configuration file links...
    default:  * Copied /srv/provision/core/mariadb/config/my.cnf               to /etc/mysql/my.cnf
    default:  * Copied /srv/provision/core/mariadb/config/root-my.cnf          to /home/vagrant/.my.cnf
    default:  * Checking the root user password is root
    default:  * The database root password is the expected value
    default:  * Starting the mariadb service
    default:  * No custom MySQL scripting found in database/init-custom.sql, skipping...
    default:  * Initial SQL prep...
    default:  * Starting MariaDB Database Import
    default:  * Creating the postural-yoga-old-site-template database if it doesn't already exist, and granting the wp user access
    default:  * Skipped import of `postural-yoga-old-site-template` - tables already exist
    default:  * Creating the postural-yoga database if it doesn't already exist, and granting the wp user access
    default:  * Skipped import of `postural-yoga` - tables already exist
    default:  * Databases imported
    default:  * Setup configuration files...
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/nginx/config/nginx.conf           to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/nginx/config/nginx-wp-common.conf to /etc/nginx/nginx-wp-common.conf
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/nginx/default-pages           to /usr/share/nginx/html
    default:  ▷ Running nginx_upstreams hook
    default:  * Copying /srv/config/php-config/upstream.conf to /etc/nginx/upstreams/php74.conf
    default:  ✔ Finished nginx_upstreams hook in 0s
    default:  * Rsync'ing /srv/provision/core/nginx/config/sites/             to /etc/nginx/custom-sites
    default: sending incremental file list
    default: deleting vvv-auto-postural-yoga-provision-fc6c2602f1f12016c34fb0751b6aa320.conf
    default: deleting vvv-auto-postural-yoga-old-site-template.-provision-70ec41c4bbc60372f683a50ef250eb35.conf
    default: default.conf
    default: sent 1.06K bytes  received 202 bytes  2.52K bytes/sec
    default: total size is 2.39K  speedup is 1.90
    default:  * Making sure the Nginx log files and folder exist
    default:  * Copying PHP configs
    default:  * Checking supplementary PHP configs
    default:  * Copying /srv/provision/core/memcached/config/memcached.conf to /etc/memcached.conf and /etc/memcached_default.conf
    default:  ✔ Finished after_packages hook in 5s
    default:  * Finalizing
    default:  ▷ Running finalize hook
    default:  * Cleaning up Nginx configs
    default:  * Disabling XDebug PHP extension
    default:  ▷ Running php_finalize hook
    default:  * Enabling MailHog for PHP
    default:  * MailHog enabled
    default:  ✔ Finished php_finalize hook in 0s
    default:  * Cleaning the virtual machine's /etc/hosts file...
    default:  * Restarting services...
    default:  ▷ Running services_restart hook
    default:  ✔ Finished services_restart hook in 0s
    default:  * Services restarted...
    default:  ✔ Finished finalize hook in 0s
    default:  ✔ The 'main' provisioner completed in 23 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: tools (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'tools' provisioner...
    default:  ▷ Running tools_pre_setup hook
    default:  * [Composer]: Turning off PHP debug mods to avoid Composer performance issues
    default:  * Restarting PHP FPM services so that the change takes effect
    default:  ✔ All PHP Debug mods are now turned off.
    default:  ✔ Finished tools_pre_setup hook in 0s
    default:  ▷ Running tools_setup hook
    default:  * [Composer]: Checking if Composer is installed
    default:  * [Composer]: Already installed
    default:  * [Composer]: Making sure the Composer cache is not owned by root
    default:  * [Composer]: Checking for GitHub tokens
    default:  * [Composer]: Checking for Composer updates
    default:  * [Composer]: Main tasks completed, running after_composer hook
    default:  ▷ Running after_composer hook
    default:  * [PHPCS]: Provisioning PHP_CodeSniffer (phpcs), see
    default: For additional security you should declare the allow-plugins config with a list of packages names that are allowed to run code. See
    default: You have until July 2022 to add the setting. Composer will then switch the default behavior to disallow all plugins.
    default: Loading composer repositories with package information
    default: Info from #StandWithUkraine
    default: Updating dependencies
    default: Nothing to modify in lock file
    default: Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
    default: Nothing to install, update or remove
    default: Generating autoload files
    default:  * [PHPCS]: Setting WordPress-Core as the default PHPCodesniffer standard
    default:  * [PHPCS]: Completed with the following PHPCS standards set up: The installed coding standards are PSR1, PEAR, MySource, PSR12, Squiz, PSR2, Zend, WordPressVIPMinimum, WordPress-VIP-Go, PHPCompatibility, PHPCompatibilityParagonieSodiumCompat, PHPCompatibilityParagonieRandomCompat, PHPCompatibilityWP, VariableAnalysis, WordPress-Extra, WordPress-Core, WordPress-Docs and WordPress
    default:  ✔ Finished after_composer hook in 1s
    default:  * [WP CLI]: Installing/updating WP CLI
    default:  * [WP CLI]: Updating WP CLI Nightly
    default:  * [WP CLI]: WP CLI Nightly updated
    default:  * [WP-CLI]: Updating packages
    default:  * [WP-CLI]: Package updates completed
    default:  * [WP-CLI]: WP CLI setup completed
    default:  ✔ Finished tools_setup hook in 3s
    default:  ▷ Running tools_setup_synchronous hook
    default:  * [Grunt]: Updating Grunt CLI grunt-sass grunt-cssjanus and grunt-rtlcss
    default:  * [Grunt]: Completed Grunt CLI update
    default:  ✔ Finished tools_setup_synchronous hook in 3s
    default:  ▷ Running tools_finalize hook
    default:  ✔ The 'tools' provisioner completed in 6 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: dashboard (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'dashboard' provisioner...
    default:  * Updating dashboard on the 'master' branch.
    default:  * Fetching origin master
    default: From
    default:  * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
    default:  * performing a hard reset on origin/master
    default:  * Note that custom dashboards will be going away in a future update, use a site provisioner and a custom host instead such as dashboard.test.
    default:  ✔ The 'dashboard' provisioner completed in 1 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: extension-source-core (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'extension-source-core' provisioner...
    default:  * Updating the "core" extension on the "master" branch...
    default:  * Extension git pull and checkout complete
    default:  ✔ The 'extension-source-core' provisioner completed in 1 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: extension-core-tls-ca (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'extension-core-tls-ca' provisioner...
    default:  ✔ The 'extension-core-tls-ca' provisioner completed in 1 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: extension-core-phpmyadmin (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'extension-core-phpmyadmin' provisioner...
    default:  ✔ The 'extension-core-phpmyadmin' provisioner completed in 0 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: extension-core-php74 (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'extension-core-php74' provisioner...
    default:  ✔ The 'extension-core-php74' provisioner completed in 3 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: extension-core-php80 (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'extension-core-php80' provisioner...
    default:  ✔ The 'extension-core-php80' provisioner completed in 3 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: site-postural-yoga (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'site-postural-yoga' provisioner...
    default:  * Pulling down the master branch of
    default: From
    default:  * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
    default: Warning: None: Plugin not found.
    default: Warning: The 'None' plugin could not be found.
    default: Error: No plugins installed.
    default:  * sourcing of reported success
    default:  * VVV is adding an Nginx config from /srv/www/postural-yoga/provision/vvv-nginx.conf
    default:  * Reloading Nginx
    default:  ✔ The 'site-postural-yoga' provisioner completed in 4 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: site-postural-yoga-old-site-template. (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/
    default:  ▷ Running the 'site-postural-yoga-old-site-template.' provisioner...
    default:  * Pulling down the master branch of
    default: From
    default:  * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
    default:  * sourcing of reported success
    default:  * VVV is adding an Nginx config from /srv/www/postural-yoga-old-site-template./provision/vvv-nginx.conf
    default:  * Reloading Nginx
    default:  ✔ The 'site-postural-yoga-old-site-template.' provisioner completed in 3 seconds.
==> default: Running provisioner: post-provision-script (shell)...
    default: Running: /tmp/vagrant-shell20220413-50381-nh2e61
    default:  ▷ Post provision script
    default:  * Restarting Nginx service
    default:  * Restarting MariaDB service
    default:  * Syncing clocks
    default: 13 Apr 13:50:38 ntpdate[13479]: adjust time server offset -0.000624 sec
    default:  * clocks synced
    default:    ✧ ✔ Success!       ✧    ✔              ✧    ✔ 
    default:  ✔ ▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▄ ✧           ✧       ✧         
    default:   ✧█▒▒░░░░░░░░░▒▒█  ✔    ✧           ✔       ✧   
    default: ✧   █░░█░░░░░█░░█ ✧        ✔      ✧      ✧       
    default:  ▄▄  █░░░▀█▀░░░█  ▄▄✧ ✔ Provisioning has finished!
    default: █░░█ ▀▄░░░░░░░▄▀ █░░█   Visit http://vvv.test
==> default: Running action triggers after up ...
==> default: Running trigger: VVV Post-Up...
    default: Running: inline script
    default:  * Restarting Nginx
    default:  * Restarting MariaDB
    default:  * Syncing clocks
    default: 13 Apr 13:50:46 ntpdate[13714]: adjust time server offset -0.000006 sec
    default:  * clocks synced
    default:   ✧ ▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▄ ✧  Thanks for  __ __ __ __
    default:    ✧█▒▒░░░░░░░░░▒▒█    using       \ V\ V\ V /
    default:  ✧   █░░█░░░░░█░░█ ✧                \_/\_/\_/
    default:   ▄▄  █░░░▀█▀░░░█  ▄▄✧ 
    default:  █░░█ ▀▄░░░░░░░▄▀ █░░█ Vagrant Up has finished! Visit http://vvv.test
    default: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
davepullig commented 2 years ago

I've deleted my previous comment; inexplicably, Python wasn't installed on the VM - no idea what happened there but I can't see that it was due to these changes.

Provisioning is now working as it should do.

Mte90 commented 2 years ago

tomjn commented 2 years ago

I've deleted my previous comment; inexplicably, Python wasn't installed on the VM - no idea what happened there but I can't see that it was due to these changes.

Provisioning is now working as it should do.

can you raise an issue for that? If you have any provisioning output from the terminal backscroll that'd be great otherwise a description of how you discovered it will do

Sriom commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that all seems to be working with the develop branch.

thomasdebruin commented 2 years ago

Had the same issues 30 minutes ago, checkout to latest dev branch fixed it!

metalandcoffee commented 2 years ago

Also can confirm that I no longer encounter the issue on the develop branch.

tomjn commented 2 years ago

Awesome! I'm going to close this out and see how the other ticket for 3.9.1 is doing

Thanks everybody who tested, it was a big help!