Vatsim-Scandinavia / ENOR-Sectorfile

Norway FIR plugins and configurations for sector file
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Change request: Remove SSR from untagged datablock, add warning for 7600/7700 to untagged datablock. #393

Open Eseem91 opened 1 month ago

Eseem91 commented 1 month ago

The untagged datablock of correlated aircraft includes the SSR code. I struggle to see a benefit, and it takes up screen space, so suggest it be removed.

Currently the uncorrelated tags do not show a warning for radiofail/comfail. Suggest adding this. Note that it seems the uncorrelated tags might require a fixed user colour assignment to show as red

Benefits from this setup:

Example file, with suggested changes made to NATCON Real family: Tags.txt (to make uncorrelated flags red, make User 6 a red color in Symbology Settings - Datablock)

Example picture, with current setup on the left and suggested change on the right: old vs new tags