Vault-Overseers / nuclear-14

Multiplayer survival role-playing game set in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
25 stars 35 forks source link

Idea: Lack of Interaction between players (plz jobs) #207

Open BlueHNT opened 2 weeks ago

BlueHNT commented 2 weeks ago


There is a lack of roles people can take even in survival to interact with each other. Making just a little tiny bit like doctor, farmer, guard and such would make even the wave survival run a bit smoother due to people having jobs.

Also having a dedicated doctor would mean people aren't entirely out of the round when one dies. Since there would be a defib. Maybe blood even.



Peptide90 commented 2 weeks ago

Not a bad idea. The mode isn't really meant for roleplay though although you can do anything as the survivor role. All the roles are already coded so just need enabled for full release.

The wave mode checks for anyone specifically with the survivor role being alive.

BlueHNT commented 1 week ago

Some admins also build their own little trader place. That might be a good thing to use really. as a custom job place in the survival.