Vault-Overseers / nuclear-14

Multiplayer survival role-playing game set in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
25 stars 35 forks source link

Issue: Deathclaw Intelligence questioned #220

Closed BlueHNT closed 4 days ago

BlueHNT commented 1 week ago


There's plenty of people going into the game as deathclaws and breaking electrical grids and similar which makes it a nightmare to play even in the wave mode. Doubly so since it's stuff you cannot fix.

You can offcourse make other lights, but the moment round 10 hits. There's someone breaking power. I reckon explaining deathclaw intelligence better or making certain power stuff unbreakable should fix this.

BlueHNT commented 4 days ago

This is an admin related issue.