Vault-Overseers / nuclear-14

Multiplayer survival role-playing game set in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
25 stars 35 forks source link

More loot table changes #224

Closed BlueHNT closed 5 days ago

BlueHNT commented 6 days ago


Due to issues with small lockers trying to spawn belts and such, there is a need for small ones. I will also attempt to make any miscellaneous changes that will be requested of me involved in loot tables.

General idea for junk items is that they will be able to be broken down into base parts, which will be the core way to get

There is bound to be some things I missed or looked over, so don't hesitate to tell me.




BlueHNT commented 6 days ago

Also did some cleanup.

BlueHNT commented 6 days ago

That seems to have fixed it. The hidden job editor stuff is not something I'm going to mess with though.