Vault-Overseers / nuclear-14

Multiplayer survival role-playing game set in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
41 stars 78 forks source link

The Zomegerega update #495

Closed MutantMan2040 closed 3 weeks ago

MutantMan2040 commented 3 weeks ago


All mobs have recieved stamina values according too their general size, with the highest being the Albino Deathclaw, and the lowest being Bloatflies, Cazadors, and Radroaches.

Deathclaws have aswell recieved a .25 increase in attack range

Yao guai are now much more dangers, having a few more hitpoints, and a major increase too speed, aswell as being slowed down at damage thresholds like deathclaws.

Geckos have also recieved a minor speed increase


Barrels: now have 50 HP

Radiation barrels are now immortal, this will be replaced with the ability too break once more, but with the release of toxic waste, (perfect for glowing ghoul trolling)

Wooden doors now have 300 HP, while metal doors have 500

Aswell they now have breaking sounds and drop materials

Trees now are much hardier, now standing at 250 health, they can be easily chopped with chopping obejcts such as axes and knives, while itll take a bit with a club or gun.



Glowing ghouls now need radaway and have regeneration abilities like normal ghouls, though they gain rad damage 25% faster than other ghouls, and heal 25% faster.

Glowing ghouls now GLOW bright lucious green

Glowing ghouls now emmit a small amount of rads within a small radius around them (Roughly their glow radius) Be sure too stay away from them, being speciesist against glowing ones is now NON OPTIONAL. KEEP THEM AWAY.

Misc fixes:

Axes now are not pocket sized. and cannot be stored in a bag.

NCR NCO and Ranger now have MP access

Turrets now shoot 10mm rounds, and the casings fly.