Vauxoo / pre-commit-vauxoo

pre-commit-vauxoo python library to add a command to use all the configuration files and environment variables of Vauxoo
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core: propagate update of modifiers attributes from base terms #132

Open randall-vx opened 7 months ago

randall-vx commented 7 months ago

When we update an inline translated element (like <span>) for the base language en_US we should update the modifiers attributes for all languages.

For example when updating from (16.0) to (17.0)

The base term, en_US, is updated since the text matches but the attributes of the translated terms, fr_FR for example, are not updated. Later when the PO file is loaded in non-overwrite mode the translated terms for fr_FR is not updated. This causes all sort of issues during an upgrade for inline-translated terms -- like . More so since the recent change that converts domain-based attributes into inline Python expressions.

In this patch we propagate modifiers attributes from inline-translated items in the new base term into all translated terms when the base term is updated. In that way we ensure the attributes are correct in all languages even if later the loading of their corresponding PO file doesn't update the term.

For a detailed example, let's see what happens when loading the view above during an upgrade 16->17, right at the first load of the XML file at

(Pdb) p old_term
'<span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'soft\')]}">This view has no previous version.</span>\n                        <span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'hard\')]}">This view is not coming from a file.</span>\n                        <span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'other_view\')]}">You need two views to compare.</span>'
(Pdb) p closest_term
'<span invisible="reset_mode != \'soft\'">This view has no previous version.</span>\n                        <span invisible="reset_mode != \'hard\'">This view is not coming from a file.</span>\n                        <span invisible="reset_mode != \'other_view\'">You need two views to compare.</span>'
(Pdb) p translation_dictionary[old_term]
defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {'fr_FR': '<span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'soft\')]}">Cette vue n\'a pas de version antérieure.</span>\n                        <span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'hard\')]}">Cette vue ne provient pas d\'un fichier.</span>\n                        <span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'other_view\')]}">Vous avez besoin de deux vues pour comparer.</span>'})

As we can see the new term will get an updated value for its invisible attribute, while also removing attrs. The translated terms will be still keep the old modifier though. Now later when the fr_FR.po file is loaded we reach this point

(Pdb) p term_en
'<span invisible="reset_mode != \'soft\'">This view has no previous version.</span>\n                        <span invisible="reset_mode != \'hard\'">This view is not coming from a file.</span>\n                        <span invisible="reset_mode != \'other_view\'">You need two views to compare.</span>'
(Pdb) p translation_dictionary[term_en]
defaultdict(<function DeepDefaultDict at 0x7fc9640cdfc0>, {'fr_FR': '<span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'soft\')]}">Cette vue n\'a pas de version antérieure.</span>\n                        <span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'hard\')]}">Cette vue ne provient pas d\'un fichier.</span>\n                        <span attrs="{\'invisible\': [(\'reset_mode\', \'!=\', \'other_view\')]}">Vous avez besoin de deux vues pour comparer.</span>'})

Thus the translated values are NOT updated, keeping the wrong modifiers. This is later fixed during the upgrade in a clumsy way. C.f. the warnings like this one in runbot:

Incomplete conversion for view(id=77, lang=fr_FR) at
<span attrs="{'invisible': [('reset_mode', '!=', 'soft')]}">Cette vue n'a pas de version ant&;rieure.</span>

Note that such warnings are gone in current PR CI. The root issue here is that when the fr_FR translation is loaded the terms are not updated due to a combination of factors:

The text content of the term didn't change There is no override flag set for translations Option 2 is not a valid option during upgrades because we want to keep custom translations. We could instead of the current patch tweak how option 1 works and perhaps make the closest term more restricted. This would lead to the update of the whole translation though while the actual issue here is just the modifiers. Moreover if the translations are out of sync the translated terms will still keep the wrong values that could still be essential for the correct functioning of the record they belong too (view archs -- for example).

Finally this is a more extreme case (16.0): In this case during the upgrade we fix the modifier value (refer to runbot warning above -- it's the same script that fixes it) and set

invisible="(subscription_management == 'upsell') or (recurrence_id == False)"

for translations, which is wrong. The correct value is (17.0):

invisible="not plan_id or subscription_state == '7_upsell'"

Maybe we can setup a new lint into pre-commit-vauxoo for autofix or just a new lint.

Related to Odoo

randall-vx commented 7 months ago

@moylop260 @antonag32

