VazkiiMods / Botania

A tech mod for Minecraft themed around the magic of nature and plant life.
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Gaia traps look odd #4694

Open anoomolu opened 1 week ago

anoomolu commented 1 week ago

Mod Loader


Minecraft Version


Botania version


Modloader version

Fabric Loader 0.15.11, API 0.92.2

Modpack info

No response

The latest.log file


Issue description

On 1.20.1 (and a few other versions but I haven't really been keeping track) the purple particles spawned by the Gaia (Gaia traps) look kinda weird. The purple squares are visible when they probably shouldn't be. This is without Embeddium/Sodium.

image image

Steps to reproduce

/place template botania:gaia_ritual Pop a terrasteel/gaia ingot into the beacon Whack the Gaia once or twice Observe

Other information

No response

TheRealWormbo commented 1 week ago

Can you describe a bit more in detail what you mean? Below is a screenshot from the gaia fight on Minecraft 1.12.2, and it also shows those purple squares: Screenshot of an active Gaia Ritual with Botania r1.10-364.4 I'm not sure I see a particularly relevant difference, apart from glass looking way nicer nowadays.

[edit] I think I see the problem, and it's not specific to the gaia traps, but also happens when rendering flower range shapes: Any beacon beam, floating flower, or pylon on the other side of the shape becomes invisible. Same goes for transparent (not cut-out, like clear glass or beacon blocks, but actually alpha-rendered, like stained glass or water) blocks. 1.20.1 screenshot of a hopperhock's radius shape hiding a gaia pylon and part of the beacon beam

anoomolu commented 1 week ago

I could have sworn the traps didn't have a square below them on older versions, feel free to disregard that part of the issue then. Would look nicer without though :P

LeoBeliik commented 6 days ago

I guess it serves as a backup way to show where the mines are if you happen to have particles disabled in minecraft