VazkiiMods / Neat

Functional minimalistic Unit Frames for the modern Minecrafter
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Blacklist extension request #17

Open Guardian9978 opened 7 years ago

Guardian9978 commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to add onto the blacklist to be able to blacklist partial ids?

For instance pokecube has pokecube_ml.name_of_pokemon example: S:Blacklist < pokecube_ml.Fennekin pokecube_ml.Rattata

This method would have hundreds of lines added to the blacklist but if we could use a wildcard such as S:Blacklist < pokecube_ml.*

It would be much more convenient.

Vazkii commented 7 years ago

I can make it match regular expressions, if you want.

Guardian9978 commented 7 years ago

I haven't been able to wrap my head around regular expression but if that's the way your thinking of adding it then that will work.

hairlessOrphan commented 3 years ago

Reviving an ancient feature request for a similar reason. Would love to see an option to blacklist an entire mod. The use case here is specifically Pokecube (again!), which implements its own nameplate (that looks like it could have been forked from Neat, based solely on the config) to display mod-specific information (displays mob level and gender, obfuscates the name).

I can't think of a use case for regex, specifically. Hard to imagine a case where a user would want a subset of mobs and could stumble on a regex that captures that subset (the mod would need to assign id's with this in mind, like mymod:boss_something). Blacklisting a whole mod seems more likely and may be more efficient.

Which would allow for something like: if ((NeatConfig.blacklist.contains(entityID)) || (Neat.Config.blacklist.contains(entityID.split(":",2)[0])))

(Not a Java developer, maybe missing a paren somewhere)

AngellusMortis commented 9 months ago

@williewillus Was anything like this ever actually added?

williewillus commented 9 months ago

Christopher Bailey @.***> writes:

@williewillus Was anything like this ever actually added?

No, but I'd accept a PR that adds blocklisting using regex on the entity ID