VazkiiMods / crucial2

The best Minecraft Vanilla Style Modpack.
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Raid will NOT start when burning ominous banner under any circumstances #317

Open devinmad5 opened 2 years ago

devinmad5 commented 2 years ago

I see that in crucial 2 the raid system is different, meaning instead of getting a bad omen then entering a village you instead get a ominous banner and burn it in a village to start a raid. i have tried in both survival and creative to do this and it is not working. i have tried to source the banner in many different ways like from a captain or just hanging on the outpost as well as try in every kind of city in every possible spot. If successful the raid starts instantly but in my case burning the flag does nothing. I have searched the web far and wide and couldn't find any possible answer for this and i am not sure if anyone else is having the same issue. If someone could help me out that would be awesome.