VazkiiModsArchive / Ambience

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[1.12] strange crash on some systems #65

Open mensreaMC opened 5 years ago

mensreaMC commented 5 years ago

I've had several users of a modpack report this crash to me . I have never gotten the error and I'm not sure why the error even cites a plains biome. There are none in the pack.

towerofnix commented 5 years ago

I have never gotten the error and I'm not sure why the error even cites a plains biome. There are none in the pack.

Perhaps that's exactly the problem. It looks like the error is showing up because Ambience can't make note of the plains biome because that biome doesn't exist. I guess the fix for this, in Ambience's code, would be to confirm that each biome has been registered before before referencing it. (Code fix should be around here.)

mensreaMC commented 5 years ago

To clarify the biome does exist, it's still registered, it just doesn't generate. Should have noted that.

towerofnix commented 5 years ago

Alright. My best guess is that Ambience is for some reason trying to run before the biomes have been registered, then, but I'm not sure what would cause that (I don't actually have experience developing mods or hacking Minecraft much).

lampyr commented 5 years ago

hi i have the same issue. I can't enter the world anymore.